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  • Contributor Registration: Sign up with the tools used to develop iota.
  • Tools and Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with the tools and guidelines used to develop iota.
  • Development Workflow: Familiarize yourself with how to work with git, make changes, commit changes, and generate pull requests.
  • Next Steps: Decide where to go next in this guide depending on your intended contribution.


Contributor Registration

You need to register as a iota contributor before you can help us develop iota. Please perform the following registration actions:

Individual Contributor License Agreement (ICLA)You should sign the ICLA before contributing content to the iota source tree. (Required to become a committer.)ICLA Agreement

Approval Process
Source ControlYou need a github account in order to participate in iota code reviews. If you haven’t already done so, please join github.Git Sign-up
Defect TrackingIn order to have certain permissions, including assigning issues to yourself, you need to be a Contributor in the project. Be sure to sign up for a JIRA account if you don’t have one.Jira Signup


Please send an e-mail to the iota development list with the approved ICLA attached. Include your git and Jira IDs. Wait for the response and then you’re ready to help us develop iota. You will be added (by designated space admins) to:

  • The iota Confluence Contributors group, so that you can add new and edit existing wiki pages.
  • The iota JIRA Contributors group, so that you can assign yourself to any open issue in order to bring it further to resolution and/or closure.


Tools and Guidelines

iota ArchitectureDocumentPlease review the iota architecture to ensure that you understand how the different components related to each other.iota Architecture
Defect TrackingJiraView all the iota defects and enhancements requests in the Jira system hosted by Apache.iota Jiras
Defect ManagementDocumentPlease read about our approach to defect management. Mostly, any changes you’ll make will be in response to a defect reported in Jira.Defect Management
Git ToolsgitMost of the iota development is done on Linux. Development of the web site and/or documentation can successfully be done on Windows.Install Git Tools
Code RepositorygitThe full iota source tree can be retrieved from either of these repositories.Apache Repository
GitHub Mirror
Code OrganizationDocumentIf you intend to work on the iota code, then please familiarize yourself with the code organization.TBD
TestingDocumentiota has a rich set of test suites for each of its components. You’ll need to run the tests before submitting a code change for review.How to Test
Code ReviewsgitWe use GitHub pull-requests for code review. All of the activity on GitHub is captured in ASF JIRA and/or ASF project mail archives by ASF INFRA team automation. In this way, we do not depend on GitHub for accurate history of where contributions come from.

Each pull-request title should start with a JIRA ID in brackets, so that activity can be logged to the correct JIRA issue. Regardless of the title, the pull-request activity is also logged to the Code-Review Mail List.
Current Pull Requests

Learn iota

Starting out, we recommend the following approach:

  1. Install the Git Tools:
  2. Create Build Environment
  3. Build the iota Source Code
  4. Create Test Environment
  5. Run some of the tests in the iota test libraries.
  6. Use the iota documentation to install iota clients and play around with the different capabilities.
  7. Learn how we manage defects.
  8. Familiarize yourself with the iota Development Workflow.

Once you've reached this point, then you make changes to the iota source tree depending on interest area:

We're glad your interested in helping us grow iota. If you have any question, send an e-mail to