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Wiki Markup
If you used the nested tags a lot, you may be surprised to find that there is no equivelent 
in Struts 2. Have no fear though. It is possible to replicate the functionality in Struts 2.
I will fill this out a little more as I go but below is the basic gist of it.

Action Class :

 List<MyBean> beanList;

in the jsp:

<s:form     action="/myaction"


  <s:iterator value="beanList"  id="beantList" status="stat"  >

  <s:hidden    name="beanList[%{#stat.index}].beanID"  value="%{beanID}"  />

<!-- yeah, good ol' LabelValueBeans can still be used , just remember to use listKey="value" listValue="label"  -->

  <s:select name = "beanList[%{#stat.index}].beanStatus"  list="LVBList" listKey="value" listValue="label"  value="%{beanStatus}"/>


on submit I access my List of beans with

List mysubmittedList  = getBeantList() ;
