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Choosing how to run the Tuscany SCA runtime depends on your local environment but there are several options currently supported. The Tuscany SCA runtime can be embedded or run with any available web application server. The Tuscany V1.0 release has been tried with Tomcat, Apache Geronimo and WebsphereIBM® WebSphere® application servers. There is work ongoing in the Apache Geronimo project to provide deeper integration between the Tuscany SCA runtime and the Geronimo Management Console.


Returning to the business questions we discussed earlier in the paper your application development process will involve some of the following steps. The order of the steps can vary since Tuscany SCA allows a top-down or bottom-up development approach. DOES THIS SOUND OK?

Model the application in SCDL

  • Identify what business functions are required and describe them using SCA components and cervicesservices
  • Identify what dependencies each component has and provide each component with suitable SCA references.
  • Introduce SCA Properties for any values that will have to change as the application is reconfigured or redeployed.
  • Compose the services within an SCA composite structure and connect references to services using wires


A big thank you to the Apache Tuscany Incubator community.

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