Versions Compared


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  • camel-example-reload - To demonstrate the live reload routes from XML files when running Camel.
  • camel-example-opentracing - An example showing how to trace incoming and outgoing messages from Camel with OpenTracing

New Tutorials

API breaking

  • The groovy DSL from camel-groovy has been moved into its own camel-groovy-dsl module. The camel-groovy now only contains the Camel Groovy Language
  • Camel-spring-LDAP now uses java.util.function.BiFunction<L, Q, S> instead of org.apache.camel.component.springldap.LdapOperationsFunction<Q, S>
  • The deprecated APIs from camel-spring-boot has been removed as part of upgrading and supporting Spring Boot 1.5.x
  • The getComponentDocumentation method on CamelContext is deprecated and returns null. The embedded HTML documentation in all the Camel components has been removed as they are not in use/maintained, and the JSon schema is the actual information. Use the camel-catalog for component documentation where you can get all the documentation in both ascii doc and html format.
  • camel-mongodb-gridf schema has been renamed from gridfs to mongodb-gridfs to avoid confusion.
  • The Kafka endpoint option seekToBeginning=true should be migrated to seekTo=beginning
  • The Kafka component has been improved to be easier to configure and use. Notice there is a backwards incompatible change so users need to migrate. The kafka uri is changed from kafka:brokers to kafka:topic. So you need to specify the topic name in the context-path and the brokers as parameters, eg before kafka:myserver?topic=sometopic is now kafka:sometopic?brokers=myserver
