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IssueUser Impact / ImportancePossible SolutionSolution User Impact
TopologyBuilder and KStreamBuilder
  • leak internal methods
  • no clean separation of abstractions

Might be hard for users to understand concept.

User might be confused by verbose API (and leaking methods) they should never see.

Importance: high



  • need to use different imports
  • change pattern to create topology with KStreamBuilder
Too many overloads for method of KStreamBuilder, KStream, KGroupedStream, KTable, and KGroupedTableMany methods have more than 6 overloads and it's hard for the users to understand which one to use. Furthermore, with the verbose generics, compiler errors might be confusing and not helpful if a parameter is specified wrong (ie, I want to use overload X, does the compiler pick the correct overload? and if yes, which parameter did I get wrong? and if no, which parameter do I need to change so the compiler picks the correct overload?)

As we add more feature, this is getting more severe.

Importance: high 
Change to Builder Pattern


  • need to rewrite large parts of their code


Non consistent overloadsSome APIs have non-consistent overloaded methods that might be confusing to the user (why do I need to specify this for overload A, but not for overload B? – why does overload X allow me to do this, but not overload Y)

Importance: medium 
Relates to "Too many overloads" – could be resolved with a clean builder abstraction.


  • user might need to rewrite parts of the code if we deprecate some confusing overloads
  • user code might get cleaner


DSL limits access to records and/or record metadata

Some interfaces like ValueJoiner only provide the values of both records to be joined, but user might want to read the key, too. For adding the key, we loose the guarantee, that the key is not modified though. (There are more similar examples, where the key is not accessible.)

Record metadata (like offset, timestamp, partition, topic) is not accessible in DSL interfaces.

Importance: low 

Change interfaces, RichFunctions,

Use process/transform 


  • this is more about improving the API and/or adding new features


Missing public API

Some very helpful classes, that are currently in package internal could get added to public API. For example, windows and some serde classes.

Importance: low

Move classes to different package.


  • we only add new stuff


Window(s) API
  • get rid of minimum retention time (that is a performance improvement that confuses many users).
  • remove some leaking internal APIs

Importance: low

Improve StreamsConfig API

API is verbose and with intermixed consumer and producer configs hard to use correctly.

Importance: low

Builder pattern


  • users need to rewrite the config code
ProcessorContext to verbose

ProcessorContext give access to method that cannot be called. This is hard to reason about for users.

Importance: low

Split ProcessorContext and extract RecordContext


  • most user are expected to use mainly DSL
low-level API integration into DSL

Currently, low-level API is integrated into DSL via process()/transform() and transformValues(). Those abstraction are not perfectly defined and confusing to users.

Importance: medium

Major redesign


  • most user are expected to use mainly DSL
Low-level API in DSL vs. "advanced DSL"

Currently, low-level API is used to empower the user to do anything within DSL. This approach is questionable to some extents. For example, if a user wants to do a stateful 1:1 transformation of records, she must implement Transformer interface, thus has a lot of boiler plate code to access the actual state via the context and needs to implement non related methods like punctuate(). A DSL method like statefulMap with interface #map(K key, V Value, S state) might be easier to use. The question is, if DSL can provide more DSL like methods to allow more advance computations without forcing the user to too low-level.

Importance: medium

Major redesign


  • it's about adding new method so existing code should not be affected


potentially non-partitioned input for stateful DSL operations

process(), transform(), and transformValue() all accept a stat. In order to allow for scaling, state is usually partitioned by key. However, Streams does not enforce a correct partitioning (via a call to groupByKey) and thus, data might not be partitioned correctly for those three operators. The use need to be aware of this, and do a manual call to through() right now to ensure correct partitioning.

Importance: medium 

Educate users about this issues in the docs explicitly (if users go with low level operators, they also have to take more responsibility by themselves to get it right)


allow .process()/transform()/transformValues() (that do have a state) only on KGroupedStream 


  • most user are expected to use mainly DSL
Simplify "message callback" use caseFrom mailing list:

2. For the processor api, I think this api is mostly not for end users.
   However this are a couple cases where it might make sense to expose it. I
   think users coming from Samza, or JMS's MessageListener (
   understand a simple callback interface for message processing. In fact,
   people often ask why Kafka's consumer doesn't provide such an interface.
   I'd argue we do, it's KafkaStreams. The only issue is that the processor
   API documentation is a bit scary for a person implementing this type of
   api. My observation is that people using this style of API don't do a lot
   of cross-message operations, then just do single message operations and use
   a database for anything that spans messages. They also don't factor their
   code into many MessageListeners and compose them, they just have one
   listener that has the complete handling logic. Say I am a user who wants to
   implement a single Processor in this style. Do we have an easy way to do
   that today (either with the .transform/.process methods in kstreams or with
   the topology apis)? Is there anything we can do in the way of trivial
   helper code to make this better? Also, how can we explain that pattern to
   people? I think currently we have pretty in-depth docs on our apis but I
   suspect a person trying to figure out how to implement a simple callback
   might get a bit lost trying to figure out how to wire it up. A simple five
   line example in the docs would probably help a lot. Not sure if this is
   best addressed in this KIP or is a side comment.
Add some new methods to TopologyBuilder or add a new high level builder next to KStreamBuilder.


  • would add new API and not affect current users


Processor API "clumsy" to use

In Processor API, sources, processors, and sinks are solely connected to each other by name (ie, by using String). Each time, a processor or sink should be downstream to a source/processor user need to specify the corresponding name. It might be easier to allow to use the the actual "Processor Object" that should be used.


builder.addSource("soureNode", "sourceTopic").addProcessor("processor", ..., "sourceNode"); // builder returns TopologyBuilder to allow chaining

Basic Idea:

Source s = builder.addSource("sourceNode", "sourceTopic");
Processor p = builder.addProcessor("processor", ..., s); // the source object s replaces the name "sourceTopic");

The main questions we need to consider is, if we don't limit the user, and how intuitive the API will get. It's should be a low level API and there is no need to get too close to patterns as offered in the DSL.

Importance: low

We would need to expose the concept on a "node" in TopologyBuilder.

If we allow for this, we could actually get rid of all names (and only have them as optional parameters; if not specified, the name is generated and can be retrieved via Source#name()):

Source s = builder.addSource("sourceTopic");
Processor p = builder.addProcessor(..., s); // the source object s replaces the name "sourceTopic");

We could even allow chaining (that would implicitly connect nodes):

builder.addSource("sourceTopic).addProcessor(...); // no name for neither Source no Processor and Processor consumes from Source


  • this would add "syntactic sugar"



Many of the above issues are related to each other and/or overlap. This, also reflects in a bunch of JIRAs that are all related to API changes:
