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The Pluggable Extensible Administration Console is a new Administration Console designed to mirror support and enhance the flexibility of Geronimo's modular architecture. While previous versions of the previous console was static, allowing configuration only for pre-defined components, the new Pluggable Console changes dynamically with the components installed on your server. This framework allows Geronimo plugin developers to package extensions to the Administration Console (called ACEs) with their componentsconsole were configured statically via XML files, the new Extensible Console changes dynamically when services are activated or deactivated in the application server. This framework allows developers to include Administration Console Extensions (ACEs) for Geronimo's web console in their service modules. On installation of a pluginservice, this new content will automatically be added to the Pluggable Administration Consoleconsole, so that the user administrator can manage all of the configuration services and tools from one place.

The Pluggable Administration Console is intended to be installed in the minimal "Little G" assembly of Geronimo, which previously had no central administration console.The following guides are available:

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Common Terminology

Plugin - An archive file (.car or .war) that can be installed into Geronimo to install a specific new componentservice, such as ActiveMQ. For more about plugins, or to look at available plugins, check out or
.CAR file (Configuration ARchive) - An archive file that stores Geronimo-specific configurations, as well as the classes, libraries, web pages, and other information associated with an application.
.WAR file (Web ARchive)- An archive file that distributes contains a web application, including all of its classes, libraries, web HTML and JSP pages, and other information. It can be deployed on any web application serverJava Enterprise compatible servlet container.
ACE (Administration Console Extension) - An archive file (either a .car or a .war), that includes Administration Console portlets. These portlets will be added to the Pluggable Extensible Administration Console when the ACE is deployedactivated.
Pluggable Extensible Administration console - A flexible version of Geronimo's original administration console. Once installed it is available at http://localhost:8080/pluto/portalconosleImage Modified, and includes some portlets that correspond to the currently installed components activated services in Geronimo.
Component Service - a component or set of functionality for Geronimo - it may be pre-installed, such as the Tomcat or Jetty web container, or it may be installed as a plugin
Minimal console - The administration console as it is first installed - with only the components services necessary for basic functionality
Portlet - A pluggable interface feature. These are the content areas that are added to web pages to display information or offer configuration options of a componentweb user interface component that can assembled together with other similar components to create a web (portal) page. See the Portlet Specification JSR 168.