Versions Compared


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Table of Contents



Apache Geode is a data management platform that provides real-time, consistent access to data-intensive applications throughout widely distributed cloud architectures. While it currently has high-speed client interfaces for Java, C++ and .NET there is both a need to create lighter-weight clients and a demand to access Geode from other programming languages. Unfortunately the the existing client-server protocol is undocumented.  It evolved over time and is overly complex to meet either of these needs.

This document describes a new, lighter-weight client/server protocol that may be implemented in phases, moving from a "basic client" to a more advanced "smart client".  It endeavors to provide a protocol that is also more amenable to more modern APIs such as those using asynchronous or reactive patterns.

You will notice that this document describes the protocol down to the level of byte-ordering and "bytes on the wire".  This is a description of the native serialization of the protocol that will be used for the initial implementation.  It is our intent to make this pluggable so that alternative serialization technologies may be used instead, such as protobuf or thrift.  How that is done will be left as a goal for the architecture of the server component, with an additional goal of providing an IDL description of the protocol.

At the same time we realize that serialization of application keys, values, callback arguments, function parameters and so forth are a separate matter and are not necessarily tied to the serialization protocol used for client/server messaging.  The initial protocol will support primitive types such as scalars, strings and byte-arrays.  It will also support JSON documents as values and convert between these and Geode PDX-serialized objects in the servers.


Here are the high level goals.


Protocol Terms

  Any binary protocol will require requires following things:

  1. Version: This indicates the API version.

  2. Correlation Id: This helps to relate the request-response.

  3. Object Type: What is the type of serialized object.

  4. Response Type: It indicates whether a response is partial or complete.

  5. ErrorCodes: It indicates the problem with API invocation.

  6. Chunk Response: Send large response in multiple chunks.

  7. Continuous Response: Client can register(Observer pattern) for events and then server notify the client if those events occur.

  8. Request: It indicates client's message

  9. Response: It indicates server's message.

  10. Request Format: Format of request api and its parameters, which client wants to invoke.

  11. Response Format: Format for api return value, which client invoked.

  12. Message: Set of bytes which contain the Message Header and Request/Response.

  13. Serialized Byte Order: Big Endian


The new protocol will be integrated with In order to fit into the existing Geode client/server infrastructure we will be leveraging the current Geode "cache server. The new client driver " component.  It accepts an initial byte that tells it what type of client is connecting to the server and how the client should be handled. A client using the new protocol can connect with the Geode server by sending a protocol byte. Initially, the Geode we will support the following two protocols.:

  • byte - 110: Message will contain the whole request or response. 
  • byte - 111: If the message is large then client or server can divide the message into the set of small messages. Then they need to collect all the small message and parse the whole request or response.

We may add additional protocol definitions here to indicate use of an alternative serialization mechanism.  For instance bytes 112 & 113 might indicate the but require the server to use protobuf for serialization of client/server messages.  How we handle other serialization libraries will be addressed when the pluggable-serialization architecture is roughed out.


The ApiId recognizes the API, a client wants to invoke on the server. The request format will contain the 2-byte(int16) for Api id. It will be marked as ApiId in the request format.


We will support all the object types which Geode understands. This would include all the primitive java types, an array of primitive types, collections, java serialization, data serializable, pdx serialization and custom user data serializers. The client needs to serialize objects as described here.  This might be extended as part of making the Geode storage format pluggable.


Geode supports only few object types as the region Key. The region key will be marked as Key in the request format. the client needs to serialize key as described here.


optional[ ... ]
repetition{ ... }


The protocol descriptions use the following types.


These may be mapped to a pluggable serialization description language but their native serialization is described here.  The native serialization uses network byte-order ("big-endian").




The format contains following fixed and variable types. They need to serialize in Big Endian byte order as showed for the example.

TypeNumber Of BytesValueSerializedBytes
booleanFixed = 1true0x01 
booleanFixed = 1false0x00
int8Fixed = 110x01
int16Fixed = 210x00 0x01 
int32Fixed = 410x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 
int64Fixed = 810x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 
String(modified UTF 8 )


  • 2 byte(int16) for length of encoded String
  • Utf Encoding

0x00 0x05 (length)

0x47 0x65 0x6f 0x64 0x65 (utf encoding)



  • 2 byte(int16) for number of bytes
  • sseries of bytes.

0x00 0x02 (length)

0x01 0x02 


Variable: series of bytes which contains all the

meta info to create the java object.



Code Block
PutRequestMessage {
	MessageHeader {
  		Size, 4 byte, int32
 		isPartialMessage, 1 byte, boolean
		CorrelationId, 4 byte, int32
 	RequestHeader {
 		ApiId, 2 byte, int16
 		ApiVersion, 1 byte, int8
	    hasMetaData, 1 byte, boolean
 	PutRequest {
 		regionName, varaible , String {
			len, 2 byte, int16
			variable, utf encoding		
 		key, variable, bytes
		CallbaclArg, variable, bytes
 		Value {
 			ValueHeader {
				Size, 4 byte, int32
				hasPartialBytes, 1 byte, boolean
			value {
 				bytes, series of bytes
Code Block
PutResponseMessage {
	MessageHeader {
    	Size, 4 byte, int32
        isPartialMessage, 1 byte, boolean
		CorrelationId, 4 byte, int32
    ResponseHeader {
 		ResponseTypeId, 2 byte, int16
 		hasMetaData, 1 byte, boolean
  	Success, 1 byte, boolean
Code Block
GetRequestMessage {
	MessageHeader {
  		Size, 4 byte, int32
 		isPartialMessage, 1 byte, boolean
		CorrelationId, 4 byte, int32
 	RequestHeader {
 		ApiId, 2 byte, int16
 		ApiVersion, 1 byte, int8
	    hasMetaData, 1 byte, boolean
 	GetRequest {
 		regionName, varaible , String {
			len, 2 byte, int16
			variable, utf encoding		
 		key, variable, bytes
		CallbaclArg, variable, bytes
Code Block
GetResponseMessage {
	MessageHeader {
    	Size, 4 byte, int32
        isPartialMessage, 1 byte, boolean
		CorrelationId, 4 byte, int32
    ResponseHeader {
 		ResponseTypeId, 2 byte, int16
 		hasMetaData, 1 byte, boolean
  	Result, variable, bytes
Code Block
PutAllRequestMessage {
	MessageHeader {
  		Size, 4 byte, int32
 		isPartialMessage, 1 byte, boolean
		CorrelationId, 4 byte, int32
 	RequestHeader {
 		ApiId, 2 byte, int16
 		ApiVersion, 1 byte, int8
	    hasMetaData, 1 byte, boolean
 	PutRequest {
 		regionName, varaible , String {
			len, 2 byte, int16
			variable, utf encoding		
		NumberOfKeyValuePair, 4 byte, int32 
		KeyValuePair  { 
	 		key, variable, bytes		
 			Value {
 				ValueHeader {
					Size, 4 byte, int32
					hasPartialBytes, 1 byte, boolean
				value {
 					bytes, series of bytes
		CallbaclArg, variable, bytes
Code Block
PutAllResponseMessage {
	MessageHeader {
    	Size, 4 byte, int32
        isPartialMessage, 1 byte, boolean
		CorrelationId, 4 byte, int32
	ResponseHeader {
 		ResponseTypeId, 2 byte, int16
 		hasMetaData, 1 byte, boolean
  	NumberOfKeysFailed , 4 byte, int32
Code Block
GetAllRequestMessage {
	MessageHeader {
  		Size, 4 byte, int32
 		isPartialMessage, 1 byte, boolean
		CorrelationId, 4 byte, int32
 	RequestHeader {
 		ApiId, 2 byte, int16
 		ApiVersion, 1 byte, int8
	    hasMetaData, 1 byte, boolean
 	GetRequest {
 		regionName, varaible , String {
			len, 2 byte, int16
			variable, utf encoding		
		NumberOfKeys, 4 byte, int32 
		keys {
 			key, variable, bytes
		CallbaclArg, variable, bytes
Code Block
GetAllResponseMessage {
	MessageHeader {
    	Size, 4 byte, int32
        isPartialMessage, 1 byte, boolean
		CorrelationId, 4 byte, int32
    ResponseHeader {
 		ResponseTypeId, 2 byte, int16
 		hasMetaData, 1 byte, boolean
  	NumberOfKeyValuePair, 4 byte, int32 
	KeyValuePair  { 
		key, variable, bytes		
 		value, variable, bytes


RPC Frameworks

The RPC frameworks such as Thrift or Apache Avro provide tools to generate client -server library based on a message schema. We plan to are talking about how we may support various RPC framework to create the GEODE client frameworks to facilitate quick creation of GEODE clients in various languages quicklysupported by popular RPC frameworks.