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Comment: fill in more of the Eclipse install steps


Prerequisites: Java JDK 1.8+

If you already have Eclipse installed, ensure you have Apache Maven or equivalent IDE plugin,  Subclipse plugin or Apache Subversion or equivalent IDE plugin.


The following location below is the main trunk of cTAKES. See for branches and tags.

  • Import Project > Maven > Checkout Maven Project from SCM 
    • use: svn and
    • Select the option to Check out Head Revision.
    • Select the option to Check out All Projects.
  • Wait until Eclipse downloads and builds all of your projects (it may take up to 30 minutes or more depending on your internet connection and your hardware).
    • The various build helpers should run jcasgen and build the projects for you. There should not be any reason to run mvn install, etc.
  • Merge the version-matching resources ZIP file from into your ctakes-dictionary-lookup-res project.
  • (Optional) If you would like to launch the UIMA CVD or CPE GUI, run ctakes-clinical-pipeline/resources/launch/UIMA_<CVD | CPE>GUI--clinical_documents pipeline.launch
  • (Optional) UIMA plug-ins called "UIMA Eclipse tooling and runtime support" can be installed from update site: 


  • Recommend choosing "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" package when downloading Eclipse (These were written using Mars aka Eclipse
  • The subversive maven m2e plugin recommended in the 3.0 install guide is no longer maintained and difficult to obtain. Subclipse can be used in its place. Instead of steps 2, 3 and 5 under "Preparing Eclipse", install subclipse and the subclipse m2e plugin. To do this, go to Help -> Install New Software... then click the Add... button to add a new repository. Set name to Subclipse and location to OK, then check the box next to Subclipse to select subclipse and all of its components, click Next and click through the license agreements until Subclipse installs. Click Yes to restart Eclipse when the install completes.  Next, repeat the preceding process, except when you add the repository set name to Subclipse - m2e plugin and location to and check the box next to Maven Integration for Subclipse
  • If you chose the "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" package when downloading Eclipse, then m2e is already installed and you can skip step 4 under "Preparing Eclipse"
  • 4.5. You may need to adapt some steps for other version of Eclipse)
  • Install the Maven SCM connector
    • File -> Import -> Maven -> Check out Maven Projects from SCM
    • Click Next.
    • Click the "m2e Marketplace" link (somewhat above the Cancel button)
    • You are now in the m2e Marketplace not the Eclipse Marketplace. 
    • Scroll to and select m2e-subversive
    • Click Next, Next, the radio button for Accept, Finish
    • restart Eclipse when prompted
  • Install the Subversive Connector
    • Again, use  File -> Import -> Maven -> Check out Maven Projects from SCM
    • The Install Connectors window will open.
    • Select one of them and install it: (On Windows 7 Pro, "Native JavaHL 1.8.14 (64 bit" works
      • Click Finish
      • Accept the install by clicking:  Next, Next, the radio button for Accept, Finish.
    • When prompted to restart Eclipse, Click Yes.


    • You can set your UMLS userID and password to be passed to all Java programs you launch within Eclipse, using Windows->Preferences->Java->Installed JREs->(highlight the JRE you are using)->Edit->Default VM arguments:
                 -Dctakes.umlsuser=YourUmlsUserIdGoesHere  "-Dctakes.umlspw=YourUmlsPasswordGoesHere"
    • Check out cTAKES: 
      • For a third time, Import-> Maven -> Check out Maven Projects from SCM
      • For SCM URL, select svn and in the text field enter:
      • Click Finish. 
        Eclipse will download all of the cTAKES sub-projects.


        Due to the way Maven and Eclipse work together you will see two copies of the sub-projects in Eclipse. If you look into your workspace directories there is only one set of underlying files.

    • If you don't have Eclipse set to Build Automatically, select all projects, right click, and choose Maven->Update Projects. Click Select All, and click OK to start the maven build.

      • You can view the Progress pane by using the Eclipse menu option  Window->Show View->Progress

      • Performing a maven build includes running jcasgen as needed.


  • The dictionary for the Fast Dictionary Lookup was downloaded as part of the Maven build.
  • If you wish to use the full LVG or the original dictionary lookup:Maven now automatically downloads the necessary dictionary and model resources and includes them on the classpath, so you can skip steps 3-6 of "Compile a release in Eclipse"



IntelliJ IDEA step by step install instructions


Running UIMA CVD with Maven

1. Open the "Maven Projects" Tool Window using the button on the left side of the window.
If you do not see it, Use the main Menu > View > Tool Windows > Maven Projects.
If you would like to permanently add the button to the UI, use Menu > View > Tool Buttons.
See also:
2. Select the "Expand" triangle next to "Apache cTAKES" and then its child node "Lifecycle".
This will display standard maven goals.
3. Right-click on "compile".
This will display a selection of available actions.
4. Select "Create 'ctakes [compile]'..."
This will open a dialog with options for the Maven "compile" goal.
5. In the "Name" box at the top of the dialog type "cTakes runCVD".
6. In "Profiles (...)", type "runCVD".
7. Click "Ok".
8. You should now see a new child of "Apache cTakes" named "Run Configurations", with the child node "cTakes runCVD"
9. Right-click on "cTakes runCVD" and select "Run" from the popup menu.
10. A panel should appear at the bottom of the screen and display the progress of the compilation. This may take a while.
11. The UIMA CVD should launch when the compilation is complete.
12. All standard output and error from the CVD will be piped to the IntelliJ Window.