Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Comment: fix alignment, misc typos and small improvements


  • Import Project > Maven > Checkout Maven Project from SCM 
    • use: svn and
    • Select the option to Check out Head Revision.
    • Select the option to Check out All Projects.
  • Wait until Eclipse downloads and builds all of your projects (it may take up to 30 minutes or more depending on your internet connection and your hardware).
    • The various build helpers should run jcasgen and build the projects for you. There should not be any reason to run mvn install, etc.
  • If you are using the Fast Dictionary Lookup, the dictionary will be downloaded for you when you do a maven build.
  • If you want to use the full LVG or original dictionary lookup, merge resources from  resources from into the relevant subprojectproject.
  • (Optional) If you would like to launch the UIMA CVD or CPE GUI, run ctakes-clinical-pipeline/resources/launch/UIMA_<CVD | CPE>GUI--clinical_documents pipeline.launch
  • (Optional) UIMA plug-ins called "UIMA Eclipse tooling and runtime support" can be installed from update site: 


  • Recommend choosing "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" package when downloading Eclipse (These were written using Mars aka Eclipse 4.5. You may need to adapt some steps for other versions version of Eclipse.)
  • Install the Maven SCM connector
    • File -> Import -> Maven -> Check out Maven Projects from SCM
    • Click Next.
    • Click the "m2e Marketplace" link (somewhat above the Cancel button)
    • You are now in the m2e Marketplace not the Eclipse Marketplace. 
    • Scroll to and select m2e-subversive
    • Click Next, Next, the radio button for Accept, Finish
    • Restart restart Eclipse when prompted
  • Install the Subversive Connector
    • Again, use  File -> Import -> Maven -> Check out Maven Projects from SCM
    • The Install Connectors window will open.
    • Select one of them and install it: (On Windows 7 Pro, "Native JavaHL 1.8.14 (64 bit" works
      • Click Finish
      • Accept the install by clicking:  Next, Next, the radio button for Accept, Finish.
    • When prompted to restart Eclipse, Click Yes
  •  You can set your UMLS userID and password to be passed to all Java programs you launch within Eclipse.
    Navigate to Windows, using Windows->Preferences->Java->Installed JREs->(highlight the JRE you are using)->Edit->Default VM arguments and enter:
                          -Dctakes.umlsuser=YourUmlsUserIdGoesHere  "-Dctakes.umlspw=YourUmlsPasswordGoesHere"
  • Check out cTAKES:  
    • For a third time, Import-> Maven -> Check out Maven Projects from SCM
    • For SCM URL, select svn and in the text field enter:
    • Click Finish. Eclipse will download all of the cTAKES sub-projects


      Due to the way Maven and Eclipse work together you will see two copies of the sub-projects in Eclipse. If you look into your workspace directories there is only one set of underlying files.



  • The dictionary for the Fast Dictionary Lookup was downloaded as part of the Maven build.
  • If you want to use the full LVG or the original dictionary lookup, merge resources from into the relevant project.(Optional) UIMA plug-ins called "UIMA Eclipse tooling and runtime support" can be installed from update site: 


IntelliJ IDEA step by step install instructions

Disclaimer:  The specific process may change in any IDE between versions.

Perform a fresh checkout from SVN


1. Start IntelliJ IDEa.

2. In the "Quick Start" menu, select "Check out from Version Control".
This will display a drop-down box.
3. In the drop-down box, select "Subversion".
This will open a "Checkout from Subversion" dialog.

4. In the "Checkout from Subversion" dialog, click the "+" button in the top left to add a new Repository.
This will open a "New Repository Location" dialog.
5. In the "New Repository Location" dialog, enter the svn checkout location of cTakes.
6. Click "Ok".
This will inspect the repository.
7. Click the "Expand" triangle.
This should display the directory listing of trunk.
8. Click "Checkout".
This will open a "Destination Directory" dialog.

9. Enter a local directory in which to keep trunk (your sandbox).
10. Click "Ok". This will open a "Checkout Options" dialog.
The default options ("Head", etc.) are fine for most users.
11. Click "Ok".
This will open a "Working Copy Format" dialog.
12. Select a (version) format and click "Ok". I use version 1.8, but any should be fine.
This will start the actual checkout and display a progress dialog. The checkout may take a little while.

13. After the checkout has completed, you a new dialog will ask you if you'd like to open the project. Click "No".

Import Project from Maven

1. Start IntelliJ IDEa.
2. In the "Quick Start" menu, select "Import Project".
This will open a "Select File or Directory to Import" dialog.
3. Browse to your local cTakes repository root directory and select the pom.xml file.
4. Click "Ok".
This will open an "Import Project from Maven" dialog.
5. Make sure the "Search for projects recursively" box is selected, just in case any cTakes modules are not in the pom.
6. Make sure that "Create IntelliJ IDEa modules for aggregator projects" is not selected.
If you plan to add new module, 'disable' a present cTakes module or make other changes to the main pom.xml, check the "Import Maven projects automatically" box.
See also:
7. Make sure that "Create module rgoups for multi-module Maven projects" is not selected.
8. Make sure that "Keep source and test folders on reimport is selected.
9. Make sure that "Exclude build directory (%PROJECT_ROOT%/target)" is selected.
10. Make sure that "Use Maven output directories" is selected.
11. Make sure that the "Generated sources folders" option "Detect automatically" is selected.
12. For the "Phase to be used for folders update" the default option "process-resources" should be fine.
13. For the "Automatically download" options, you may select what you like, but be wary that if broken code has been checked in you may need to revert manually.
14. The default "Dependency types" are fine.
15. Click "Environment settings...".
This will open a dialog that can be used to set options about the Maven environment.
16. The default maven environment settings should be fine. If $M2_HOME is not set in your environment you may select a "Maven home directory", but it is better to set $M2_HOME in your environment.
17. Click "Next".
This will inspect the cTakes Maven settings and search for profiles. It should display a dialog with the possible cTakes profiles.
If you plan to run the UIMA CVD or CPE then select the appropriate profile. Neither is necessary
18. Click "Next".
This will open an "Import" dialog with the current version of cTakes displayed.
19. Click "Next".
This will open a dialog allowing you to select a Java SDK version.
20. Click the "+" button in the top left.
This will display a drop-down box with options for an SDK.
21. Select "JDK".
This will open a dialog to select a Java JDK directory.
22. Navigate to a directory with a JDK version 1.8 or later and click "Ok".
This will display a listing of the file paths associated with the selected JDK.
23. Click "Next".
