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  1. 'Projects' in the gateway is simply a grouping of experiments with sharing capability. 
  2. Every user will have a pre-created 'Default Project'.
  3. To create Projects navigate to ‘Project → Create’ from the main menu. Mandatory fields indicated by star; *.
  4. When creating the project user has the option of sharing it with other gateway users. Simply navigate to sharing window using 'Share with Other Users'. Here search users by their email, name or username and share.
    1. When sharing can give read or write access.
    2. Read access: They can only view, clone and download files of the experiment within the project.
    3. Write access: Users can clone, edit, launch or cancel the experiment. When cloning can use the primary owner's project as well.
    4. When the project is shared with a user cannot remove that sharing at experiment level from the user.
    5. By editing the project users can modify sharing statuses as well.
  5. The user is directed to Project Summary page upon successful creation of the project. Project A project shared users will also be listed with their access level in the project summary.

Search Projects

  1. To browse existing projects, 'Project  Browse' from the main menu.
  2. Search keys are;
    1. Project Name
    2. Project Description
  3. After selecting the search key, the user has to give a value to search using the selected key.
  4. All the Projects will be listed with pagination. By clicking ‘View’ at the end of the row user can navigate to ‘Project Summary’ page. 
  5. The user can also search using (*) as a wild character. 
  6. Using 'View' link i each project user can view Project summary will list all the experiments grouped under within the project.From project browse page, the user can 
  7. To edit the project use the 'pen' icon on project summary. User can click on the experiment ‘Name’ and navigate to ‘Experiment Summary’ page of the selected experiment.

Tutorial III - Create & Launch Experiment
