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Apache MiNiFi Release Guidelines

The purpose of this document is to capture and describe the steps involved in producing an official release of Apache NiFi MiNiFI for both Java and C++ versions. It is written specifically to someone acting in the capacity of a Release Manager (RM).

Table of Contents

Background Material

The objective

Our aim is to produce an official Apache release.
The following is a list of the sorts of things that will be validated and are the basics to check when evaluating a release for a vote.

What to validate and how to Validate a release

The flow of a release (an outline)

  • The community is contributing to a series of JIRA tickets assigned to the next release
  • The number of tickets open/remaining for that next release approaches zero
  • A member of the community suggests a release and initiates a discussion
  • Someone volunteers to be an RM for the release (can be a committer but apache guides indicate preference is a PMC member)
  • A release candidate is put together and a vote sent to the team.
  • If the NiFi community rejects the vote the issues noted are resolved and another RC is generated
  • If the NiFi community accepts the vote then the release is 'releasable' and can be placed into the appropriate 'dist' location, maven artifacts released from staging.

The mechanics of the release

Prepare your environment

Follow the steps outlined in the Quickstart Guide


  1. Move convenience binaries and related artifacts from dist/dev to dist/release:
    svn move -m "NIFI-1122" 
  2. In go to the staging repository and select release and follow instructions on the site.

  3. Merge the release branch into master

  4. Update the NiFi website to point to the new download(s). Remove older release artifacts from download page (leave the current release and the previous one). For the release just previous to this new one change the links to point to the archive location. See current page as an example of the needed URL changes. In addition to updating the download page as described delete artifacts other than the current/new release from the dist/nifi SVN storage. They are already in the archive location so no need to do anything else.

  5. Update the Migration Guide on the Wiki.

  6. Update the NiFi Web Page to indicate NEWS of the release as appropriate

  7. From a nifi.tar.gz collect the docs/html/* files and svn commit them to

  8. From a nifi.tar.gz collect the nifi-framework-nar.nar/META-INF/bundled-dependencies/nifi-web-api.war/docs/rest-api/* files and svn commit them to

  9. Run an instance of nifi

  10. Copy nifi/work/docs/components/* and svn commit to

  11. wget http://localhost:8080/nifi-docs/documentation and svn commit to

  12. In Jira mark the release version as 'Released' and 'Archived' through 'version' management in the 'administration' console.

  13. Create a proper signed tag of the released codebase. If the approved RC tag was 'nifi-0.0.1-RC1' then create a signed release tag of 'rel/nifi-0.0.1'. For instructions on setting up to sign your tag see here. To create a signed release tag enter git tag -s rel/nifi-0.0.1 -m "NIFI-XYZ Signed release tag for approved release of nifi 0.0.1" COMMIT-ID-OF-RC-TAG

  14. Wait 24 hours then send release announcement.

    • See here for an understanding of why you need to wait 24 hours
    • Then create an announcement like the one shown below addressed to ',' with a reply-to of ''.
    • The email has to be sent from an email address and should be by the release manager of the build.
SUBJECT:  [ANNOUNCE] Apache NiFi 0.0.1 release

The Apache NiFi team would like to announce the release of Apache NiFi 0.0.1.

Apache NiFi is an easy to use, powerful, and reliable system to process and distribute data.  Apache NiFi was made for dataflow.  It supports highly configurable directed graphs of data routing, transformation, and system mediation logic.

More details on Apache NiFi can be found here:

The release artifacts can be downloaded from here:

Maven artifacts have been made available here:

Issues closed/resolved for this list can be found here:

Release note highlights can be found here:

Thank you
The Apache NiFi team


Release Supporting and Helper Resources

Sample NiFi and MiNiFi Configuration to transmit data from MiNiFi to NiFi via Site to Site

The following archive contains a flow.xml.gz to configure a flow with a known input port UUID to communicate with a configuration for MiNiFI C++ with the included flow.yml. 



  • md5sum: 871b465492eb6cb0d9072c50b08fe4b1

  • sha1sum: 5b3797924eee1a59421ff216c542cb28c3564bfe

  • sha256sum: 9323165a2086053f8d1ad5478e2b7cc97f01fbc38ba133afe77badba1a446833


Signed with the key at
