Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. A Project is simply a grouping for experiments. Every user will have a 'Default Project' which exists when the user logs into the gateway for the first time.
  2. Projects are also used to share with other gateway users. e.g.: Sharing a project with another user will give him access to all his experiments in the project.
  3. To create Projects navigate to ‘Project --> Create’ from the main menu. Enter Project Name (Mandatory) & Project Description (Optional) and Savesave.
  4. Project creation Screenscreen

    Image II - Create Project
  5. Upon successful creation, the user is directed to Project Summary page.


Image IV - Project Summary

UserThe user can click on the experiment ‘Name’ and navigate to ‘Experiment Summary’ page.


Image V - Experiment Summary

Share Projects

  1. Projects are also used to share with other gateway users. e.g.: Sharing a project with another user will give him access to all his experiments in the project.
  2. When sharing projects, the project owner can share with 'write' or 'read' access.

  3. Once a project is shared with other users, they will be listed on the project summary page. Refer Image Image IV - Project Summary


Tutorial III - Configure Individual Account on Clusters


  1. Experiments can be cloned irrespective of the experiment status by clicking ‘Clone’ in ‘Experiment Summary’ page.
  2. When clicks ‘Clone’ from experiment summary user will be navigated to ‘Edit Experiment’ page of the new experiment. The new experiment will have exact same information as the earlier existing experiment.   
  3. The new experiment will have a new experiment ID and the status will always be CREATED.
    New experiment name = Clone of + Old experiment name
  4. UserThe user can change existing information (except the Application) in ‘Edit Experiment’ page and save or save & launch.


Share Experiment

  1. A user can share his or her work with other gateway users at experiment level.

Tutorial VII - User Assistance
