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<== Back to Area 1 |  Forward to Area 3 ==> | Models for referenced objects: Referenceable, Versionable



Area 2 provides definitions for the glossary.  This enables the definition of meanings and the relationships between different types of terminology.  Most definitions are created through a manual process, however, this definition may occur in a different tool and be replicated automatically into other metadata repositories.  There can be multiple glossaries in the metadata repositories.  Each glossary owns a set of glossary terms and (optionally) a category hierarchy.  Glossary terms can be linked into none, one or many categories, from any glossary.  Similarly, terms from different glossaries may have relationships linking them together.


Figure 8: The Semantic Assignment model

SemanticAssignment is a relationship used to assign a term to a referenceable object.  This means that the term describes the meaning of the referenceable object.  The semantic assignment needs to be a controlled relationship when glossary definitions are used to provide classifications for the data assets and hence define how the data is to be governed. 

Thus TermAssignmentStatus defines how much the semantic assignment should be trusted.  The relationship is created by the user (person or engine) identified by the createdBy attribute.  The confidence attribute in the relationship stores the level of confidence (0-100%) in the correctness of the relationship - it is typically used by discovery engines.   The steward is the person responsible for assessing the relationship and deciding if it should be approved or not.
    • DISCOVERED - this semantic assignment was added by a discovery engine.
    • PROPOSED - this semantic assignment was proposed by person - they may be a subject mater expert, or consumer of the Referenceable asset.
    • IMPORTED - the relationship has been imported from outside of the open metadata cluster.
    • VALIDATED - this relationship has been reviewed and is highly trusted.
    • DEPRECATED - this relationship is being phased out.  There may be another semantic relationship to the Referenceable that will ultimately replace this relationship.
    • OBSOLETE - this relationship is no longer in use.
    • OTHER - the status of the relationship does not match any of the other term status values.  The description field can be used to add details about the relationship.


Spine Objects

The spine object model adds the relationships that enable a glossary to contain the definition of spine objects that can be used to control access to data, and the guild the design of new data stores and APIs.  Figure 6 shows the relationships and classifications used to describe spine object.
