Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


# mysql -u <DB USERNAME> -p
> use <DB NAME>;
> insert into users (username, password, enabled) values ('<USERNAME>','<PASSWORD>',1);
> insert into authorities (username, authority) values ('<USERNAME>', 'ROLE_USER');
> quit


  • For example, to use the username 'metron' with password 'metron', do the following:



# mysql -u metron -p
> use metronrest;
> insert into users (username, password, enabled) values ('metron','metron',1);
> insert into authorities (username, authority) values ('metron', 'ROLE_USER');
> quit


Make sure that all the services are up.

  • Install metron_pcapservice:




# cp /root/metron/metron-platform/metron-api/target/metron-api-0.4.0.jar /usr/metron/0.4.0/lib/
# wget -O /etc/init.d/pcapservice
# sed -i 's/{{ pcapservice_jar_dst }}/\/usr\/metron\/0.4.0\/lib\/metron-api-0.4.0.jar/' /etc/init.d/pcapservice
# sed -i 's/{{ pcapservice_port }}/8081/' /etc/init.d/pcapservice
# sed -i 's/{{ query_hdfs_path }}/\/tmp/' /etc/init.d/pcapservice
# sed -i 's/{{ pcap_hdfs_path }}/\/apps\/metron\/pcap/' /etc/init.d/pcapservice
# chmod 755 /etc/init.d/pcapservice
# wget -O /etc/logrotate.d/metron-pcapservice
# sed -i 's/^  {{ metron_pcapservice_logrotate_frequency }}.*$/  daily/' /etc/logrotate.d/metron-pcapservice
# sed -i 's/^  rotate {{ metron_pcapservice_logrotate_retention }}.*$/  rotate 30/' /etc/logrotate.d/metron-pcapservice
# chmod 644 /etc/logrotate.d/metron-pcapservice


  • Install tap interface:



# ip tuntap add tap0 mode tap


  • Bring up tap0 on


# ifconfig tap0 up
# ip link set tap0 promisc on


  • Install librdkafka:


# yum install cmake make gcc gcc-c++ flex bison libpcap libpcap-devel openssl-devel python-devel swig zlib-devel perlcyrus-sasl cyrus-sasl-devel cyrus-sasl-gssapi -y
# cd /tmp
# wget -O /tmp/librdkafka-0.9.4.tar.gz
# /bin/gtar --extract -C /tmp -z -f /tmp/librdkafka-0.9.4.tar.gz
# cd /tmp/librdkafka-0.9.4
# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-sasl
# make
# make install


  • Install pycapa (I don't think we need the virtualenv anymore in CentOS 7, needs some further investigation):


# yum install @Development python-virtualenv libpcap-devel libselinux-python -y
# mkdir /usr/local/pycapa
# cd /usr/local/pycapa
# virtualenv pycapa-venv
# cp -r /root/metron/metron-sensors/pycapa/. /usr/local/pycapa/.
(# /usr/local/pycapa/pycapa-venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt)
# cd /usr/local/pycapa
# source pycapa-venv/bin/activate
# pip install -r requirements.txt
# pip install --upgrade pip
# /usr/local/pycapa/pycapa-venv/bin/python install


# wget -O /etc/init.d/pycapa
# sed -i 's/{{ pycapa_log }}/\/var\/log\/pycapa.log/' /etc/init.d/pycapa
# sed -i 's/{{ pycapa_home }}/\/usr\/local\/pycapa/' /etc/init.d/pycapa
# sed -i 's/{{ python27_home }}/\/opt\/rh\/python27\/root/' /etc/init.d/pycapa
# sed -i 's/{{ pycapa_bin }}/\/usr\/local\/pycapa\/pycapa-venv\/bin/' /etc/init.d/pycapa
# sed -i 's/--kafka {{ kafka_broker_url }}/--kafka-broker <IP:6667>/' /etc/init.d/pycapa
# sed -i 's/--topic {{ pycapa_topic }}/--kafka-topic pcap/' /etc/init.d/pycapa
# sed -i 's/{{ pycapa_sniff_interface }}/tap0/' /etc/init.d/pycapa
# sed -i 's/export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\/opt\/rh\/python27\/root\/usr\/lib64/export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\/usr\/local\/lib/' /etc/init.d/pycapa
# chmod 755 /etc/init.d/pycapa
# yum install @Development libdnet-devel rpm-build libpcap libpcap-devel pcre pcre-devel zlib zlib-devel glib2-devel -y
# yum install kafka -y


  • Install bro:


# wget -O /tmp/bro-2.4.1.tar.gz
# /bin/gtar --extract -C /tmp -z -f /tmp/bro-2.4.1.tar.gz
# cd /tmp/bro-2.4.1
# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/bro
# make -j4
# make install


  • Configure bro:


# sed -i 's/interface=eth0/interface=tap0/' /usr/local/bro/etc/node.cfg
# /usr/local/bro/bin/broctl install


  • Edit crontab


  • with # crontab -


  • e and add:


0-59/5    *    *    *    *    /usr/local/bro/bin/broctl cron
0-59/5    *    *    *    *    rm -rf /usr/local/bro/spool/tmp/*


  • bro-kafka:


# cp -r /root/metron/metron-sensors/bro-plugin-kafka /tmp
# cd /tmp/bro-plugin-kafka
# rm -rf build/
# ./configure --bro-dist=/tmp/bro-2.4.1 --install-root=/usr/local/bro/lib/bro/plugins/ --with-librdkafka=/usr/local
# make -j4
# make install


  • Configure bro-kafka plugin:


# cat << EOF >> /usr/local/bro/share/bro/site/local.bro
@load Bro/Kafka/logs-to-kafka.bro
redef Kafka::logs_to_send = set(HTTP::LOG, DNS::LOG);
redef Kafka::topic_name = "bro";
redef Kafka::tag_json = T;
redef Kafka::kafka_conf = table( [""] = "<KAFKA_BROKER_IP>:6667" );
# /usr/local/bro/bin/broctl deploy
# ip link set tap0 promisc on


  • Install daq:


# wget -O /tmp/daq-2.0.6-1.src.rpm
# cd /tmp
# rpmbuild --rebuild daq-2.0.6-1.src.rpm


This last command creates the files /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/daq-2.0.6-1.x86_64.rpm & /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/daq-debuginfo-2.0.6-1.x86_64.rpm. We only need to install the first rpm.


# yum install /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/daq-2.0.6-1.x86_64.rpm -y


  • Install snort:


# wget -O /tmp/snort-
# cd /tmp
# rpmbuild --rebuild snort-


This last command creates the files /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/snort- & /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/snort-debuginfo- We only need to install the first rpm.


# yum install /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/snort- -y
# wget -O /tmp/community-rules.tar.gz
# /bin/gtar --extract -C /tmp -z -f /tmp/community-rules.tar.gz
# cp -r community-rules/community.rules /etc/snort/rules
# touch /etc/snort/rules/white_list.rules
# touch /etc/snort/rules/black_list.rules
# touch /var/log/snort/alerts
# chown -R snort:snort /etc/snort
# sed -i 's/^# alert/alert/' /etc/snort/rules/community.rules
# wget -O /tmp/snort.conf
# cp snort.conf /etc/snort/snort.conf
# sed -i 's/^ipvar HOME_NET.*$/ipvar HOME_NET any/' /etc/snort/snort.conf
# echo "output alert_csv: /var/log/snort/alert.csv default" >> /etc/snort/snort.conf
# sed -i 's/^ALERTMODE=.*$/ALERTMODE=/' /etc/sysconfig/snort
# sed -i 's/^NO_PACKET_LOG=.*$/NO_PACKET_LOG=1/' /etc/sysconfig/snort
# sed -i 's/^INTERFACE=.*$/INTERFACE=tap0/' /etc/sysconfig/snort
# mkdir /opt/snort-producer
# chmod 755 /opt/snort-producer


# wget -O /opt/snort-producer/
# sed -i 's/{{ snort_alert_csv_path }}/\/var\/log\/snort\/alert.csv/' /opt/snort-producer/
# sed -i 's/{{ kafka_prod }}/\/usr\/hdp\/current\/kafka-broker\/bin\/' /opt/snort-producer/
# sed -i 's/{{ kafka_broker_url }}/<KAFKA_BROKER_IP>:6667/' /opt/snort-producer/
# sed -i 's/{{ snort_topic }}/snort/' /opt/snort-producer/
# chmod 755 /opt/snort-producer/


# wget -O /etc/init.d/snort-producer
# sed -i 's/{{ snort_producer_home }}/\/opt\/snort-producer/' /etc/init.d/snort-producer
# sed -i 's/{{ snort_producer_start }}/\/opt\/snort-producer\/' /etc/init.d/snort-producer
# chmod 755 /etc/init.d/snort-producer


  • Install yaf:


# wget -O /tmp/libfixbuf-1.7.1.tar.gz
# /bin/gtar --extract -C /tmp -z -f /tmp/libfixbuf-1.7.1.tar.gz
# cd /tmp/libfixbuf-1.7.1
# ./configure
# make -j4
# make install
# wget -O /tmp/yaf-2.8.0.tar.gz
# /bin/gtar --extract -C /tmp -z -f /tmp/yaf-2.8.0.tar.gz
# cd /tmp/yaf-2.8.0
# ./configure --enable-applabel --enable-plugins
# make -j4
# make install
# mkdir /opt/yaf
# chmod 755 /opt/yaf
# wget -O /opt/yaf/
# sed -i 's/{{ yaf_bin }}/\/usr\/local\/bin\/yaf/' /opt/yaf/
# sed -i 's/{{ sniff_interface }}/tap0/' /opt/yaf/
# sed -i 's/{{ yafscii_bin }}/\/usr\/local\/bin\/yafscii/' /opt/yaf/
# sed -i 's/{{ kafka_prod }}/\/usr\/hdp\/current\/kafka-broker\/bin\/' /opt/yaf/
# sed -i 's/{{ kafka_broker_url }}/<BROKER_IP>:6667/' /opt/yaf/
# sed -i 's/{{ yaf_topic }}/yaf/' /opt/yaf/
# chmod 755 /opt/yaf/
# wget -O /etc/init.d/yaf
# sed -i 's/{{ yaf_home }}/\/opt\/yaf/' /etc/init.d/yaf
# sed -i 's/{{ yaf_start }}/\/opt\/yaf\/' /etc/init.d/yaf
# sed -i 's/^DAEMONOPTS=\"${@:2}\"$/DAEMONOPTS=\"${@:2} --idle-timeout 0\"/' /etc/init.d/yaf
# chmod 755 /etc/init.d/yaf


  • Install tcpreplay:


# wget -O /tmp/tcpreplay-4.1.1.tar.gz
# /bin/gtar --extract -C /opt -z  -f /tmp/tcpreplay-4.1.1.tar.gz
# cd /opt/tcpreplay-4.1.1/
# ./configure --prefix=/opt
# make -j4
# make install
# mkdir /opt/pcap-replay
# chown root.root /opt/pcap-replay
# chmod 755 /opt/pcap-replay
# cd /opt/pcap-replay
# wget
# echo "include \$RULE_PATH/test.rules" >> /etc/snort/snort.conf
# echo "alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:'snort test alert'; sid:999158; )" > /etc/snort/rules/test.rules
# wget -O /etc/init.d/pcap-replay
# sed -i 's/{{ pcap_replay_home }}/\/opt\/pcap-replay/' /etc/init.d/pcap-replay
# sed -i 's/{{ pcap_replay_interface }}/tap0/' /etc/init.d/pcap-replay
# sed -i 's/{{ tcpreplay_prefix }}/\/opt/' /etc/init.d/pcap-replay
# chmod 755 /etc/init.d/pcap-replay


  • Install monit


# yum install monit -y
# wget -O /etc/monitrc
# sed -i 's/{{ inventory_hostname }}/<IP ADDRESS>/' /etc/monitrc
# sed -i 's/{{ monit_user }}/admin/' /etc/monitrc
# sed -i 's/{{ monit_pass }}/monit/' /etc/monitrc
# chmod 600 /etc/monitrc
# wget -O /etc/monit.d/pcap-replay.monit
# chmod 644 /etc/monit.d/pcap-replay.monit
# wget -O /etc/monit.d/pcap-service.monit
# chmod 644 /etc/monit.d/pcap-service.monit
# wget -O /etc/monit.d/pycapa.monit
# chmod 644 /etc/monit.d/pycapa.monit
# wget -O /etc/monit.d/snort.monit
# chmod 644 /etc/monit.d/snort.monit
# wget -O /etc/monit.d/yaf.monit
# chmod 644 /etc/monit.d/yaf.monit
# wget -O /etc/monit.d/bro.monit
# sed -i 's/^  with pidfile.*$/  with pidfile \/usr\/local\/bro\/spool\/bro\/\.pid/' /etc/monit.d/bro.monit
# chmod 644 /etc/monit.d/bro.monit
# systemctl enable monit
# systemctl start monit
# systemctl status monit
# monit reload
# monit stop all
# monit start all
# monit summary | tail -n +3 | awk -F"'" '{print $2}'


Miscellaneous Issues


  • I had a problem with Zeppelin after rebooting this machine and had to manually create the Zeppelin run directory:


# mkdir /var/run/zeppelin
# chown zeppelin.hadoop zeppelin/



  • Additionally, while working with Metron, I've noticed that at some point Zeppelin Notebook started, but immediately stopped again. In the logs, I could see "Address already in use" messages. It turns out that there was still a lingering Zeppelin process on the host. To fix it, stop Zeppelin Notebook in Ambari and then kill the latent process:


# ps aux | grep zeppelin
# kill <zeppelin_java_pid>


Afterwards, restart Zeppelin Notebook via Ambari.


  • I had a couple of issues with Elasticsearch where it wouldn't find a master. This was fixed by doing the following. In Ambari, set the following items:

"masters_also_are_datanodes" to "true"
"expected_data_nodes" = "0"
"gateway_recover_after_data_nodes" = "1"
Restart all services. At this point, I noticed the following in :/etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml":


  data: "true"
  master: "true"
  name: metron1.local


After changing this to :


  data: true
  master: true
  name: metron


and restarting elasticsearch with "service elasticsearch restart", elasticsearch started indexing.


  • Another issue with Elasticsearch was that I saw the following error message in Kibana:


plugin:elasticsearch     Elasticsearch is still initializing the kibana index.


This was fixed by deleting the Kibana index ".kibana":


"curl -XDELETE http://localhost:9200/.kibana



Miscellaneous Services


  • Load the correct Elasticsearch template with:


  • "# curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -X POST -d '{ "RequestInfo": { "context": "Install ES Template from REST", "command": "ELASTICSEARCH_TEMPLATE_INSTALL"},"Requests/resource_filters": [{"service_name": "METRON","component_name": "METRON_INDEXING","hosts" : "<HOSTNAME>"}]}' http://<AMBARI HOST>:8080/api/v1/clusters/<CLUSTERNAME>/requests


  • "

For example:


"# curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -u admin:admin -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -X POST -d '{ "RequestInfo": { "context": "Install ES Template from REST", "command": "ELASTICSEARCH_TEMPLATE_INSTALL"},"Requests/resource_filters": [{"service_name": "METRON","component_name": "METRON_INDEXING","hosts" : "metron"}]}'




  • Load Kibana Dashboard with:


"# curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -X POST -d '{ "RequestInfo": { "context": "Install Kibana Dashboard from REST", "command": "LOAD_TEMPLATE"},"Requests/resource_filters": [{"service_name": "KIBANA","component_name": "KIBANA_MASTER","hosts" : "<HOSTNAME>"}]}' http://<AMBARI HOST>:8080/api/v1/clusters/<CLUSTERNAME>/requests



For example:


"# curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -u admin:admin -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -X POST -d '{ "RequestInfo": { "context": "Install Kibana Dashboard from REST", "command": "LOAD_TEMPLATE"},"Requests/resource_filters": [{"service_name": "KIBANA","component_name": "KIBANA_MASTER","hosts" : "metron"}]}'




  • If you installed Metron on a single node, you might have to increase the number of Storm supervisor slots from the default 2 to 5 or more. This can be done by editing the "supervisor.slots.ports" under Storm in the Ambari UI.



"supervisor.slots.ports: [6700, 6701]


" to "supervisor.slots.ports: [6700, 6701, 6702, 6703, 6704, 6705]





# wget
# tar xf nifi-1.2.0-bin.tar.gz


Before we run NiFi, we need to change the port as the default port collides with the Ambari port. To do this, we need to change the value "nifi.web.http.port=8080" to "nifi.web.http.port=8089" in the file "nifi-1.1.2/conf/". Install and start NiFi afterwards:


# nifi-1.2.0/bin/ install
# nifi-1.2.0/bin/ start


Exposed Interfaces

In the end, you'll end up with a bunch of exposed UIs:
- Ambari: http://node1:8080/
- Kibana: http://node1:5000/
- Sensor Status (monit): http://node1:2812
- Elasticsearch: http://node1:9200/
- Storm UI: http://node1:8744/
- Metron REST interface: http://node1:8082/swagger-ui.html#/
- Management UI: http://node1:4200/ (user/password)
- Apache Nifi: http://node1:8089/nifi/
- Zookeeper: http://node1:2181
- Kafka: http://node1:6667
