Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Fixed the width of the page. Added Tiles comment.


Code Block
SEVERE: Exception starting filter struts2
Unable to load configuration. - action - file:/home/giaz/code/.metadata/.plugins/
	at com.opensymphony.xwork2.config.ConfigurationManager.getConfiguration(
	at org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.Dispatcher.init_PreloadConfiguration(
Caused by: Error building results for action ScheduleJob in namespace  - action - file:/home/giaz/code/.metadata/.plugins/
	at com.opensymphony.xwork2.config.providers.XmlConfigurationProvider.addAction(
	... 30 more
Caused by: There is no result type defined for type 'redirect-action' mapped with name 'success' - result -
	at com.opensymphony.xwork2.config.providers.XmlConfigurationProvider.buildResults(
	... 35 more


Code Block
<action name="ScheduleJob" class="com.sag.optimizer.ui.web.action.scheduler.ScheduleJobAction">
  <result name="success" type="redirect-action">
     <param name="actionName">ListDisplayOptimizationJobStatus</param>
  <result name="error" type="tiles">webui.requestFailed</result>

To resolve the issue modify the struts.xml action definition to:


Code Block
Nov 22, 2007 11:38:11 AM org.apache.tiles.impl.BasicTilesContainer init
INFO: Initializing Tiles2 container. . .
Nov 22, 2007 11:38:11 AM org.apache.commons.digester.Digester error
SEVERE: Parse Error at line 2 column 19: Document is invalid: no grammar found.
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Document is invalid: no grammar found.

This is due to the fact that Tiles 2.0.5 now turns validation on as default.

The tiles.xml page before:


Code Block
Nov 22, 2007 1:54:51 PM freemarker.log.JDK14LoggerFactory$JDK14Logger error

Expression parameters.parseContent is undefined on line 45, column 28 in template/ajax/head.ftl.
The problematic instruction:
==> ${parameters.parseContent?string} [on line 45, column 26 in template/ajax/head.ftl]

Java backtrace for programmers:
freemarker.core.InvalidReferenceException: Expression parameters.parseContent is undefined on line 45,
            column 28 in template/ajax/head.ftl.
	at freemarker.core.TemplateObject.assertNonNull(
	at freemarker.core.TemplateObject.invalidTypeException(

Use a different theme e.g. <s:head theme="xhtml" />

ajax ui tags were moved to dojo plugin, use /struts-dojo-tags taglib instead of (or in


addition to) /struts-tags:

Problem Symptom:

Accessing a page containing ajax UI tags through using the struts 2 taglib will produce the following error:


Code Block
WARNING: Could not find property [struts.valueStack]
ognl.OgnlException: target is null for setProperty(null, "preventCache", [Ljava.lang.String;@5f262a85)
   at ognl.OgnlRuntime.setProperty(
   at ognl.ASTProperty.setValueBody(
   at ognl.SimpleNode.evaluateSetValueBody(
   at ognl.SimpleNode.setValue(
   at ognl.ASTChain.setValueBody( 

Resolution is to change set devMode to false in struts.xml e.g.


Code Block
<constant name="struts.devMode" value="true" /> 


Code Block
<constant name="struts.devMode" value="false" />