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Date: Friday, November 30 Preliminary agenda


12:00 Room opens, Wifi connection, power outlets and coffee available.
Walk-in hackaton for whoever likes to join.
15:00 Start of the official Meetup. Opening talk. 12:30 Q/A Ask the experts. Got a question for your Wicket project? Feel free to ask!
14:30 End of hackaton

15:00 -18:00 Wicket Gettings started sessions (beginner to intermediate level)
18:00-19:00 Break for drinks and snacks
19:00-21:00 Technical sessions (intermediate to expert level)
21:00 Wrap-upOpening talk - Arjé Cahn
15:15 Apache Wicket: web applications with just Java - Martijn Dashorst
15:45 Wicket and Swing from one codebase - Johan Compagner
16:15 wicket-contrib-gmap2 - Martin Funk
16:30 (To be determined)
17:00 Wicket Portlets primer - Ate Douma
17:30 Dynamic markup and on the fly components (on binding XML to Wicket) - Wouter Huijnink
18:00 Dinner pasta buffet
19:00 Introduction to Wicket Security - Maurice Marrink
19:30 A plugin architecture for Wicket - Niels van Kampenhout
20:00 SessionStores, Pagemaps and Pages.. What does wicket store (and where) - Johan Compagner
20:30 Wicket Live On Stage! A production case study (with lots of AJAX) - Martijn Dashorst
21:00 Closing - Arjé Cahn
21:05 Sponsored drinks!
23:00 Bar closes

Please note that the programme is subject to change (even up to the very last minute :-P )The subjects of talks are still under discussion on the mailinglist, but
we've had some excellent submissions for both introductionary talks and deeper
technical discussions. These range from "How to get started with Wicket" up to
"Running Wicket in high availability environments". The afternoon sessions will
be less technical than the evening sessions. The agenda is very much subject to
change. See the Wicket Wiki for the latest version.
This is an Apache community effort, so if you have any ideas, don't hesitate to let us know! Please sign up to the Wicket user mailinglist and share your thoughts.

We've been trying to make this meeting as low-barrier as possible, to give everyone an opportunity to get to know Wicket. If you want to know whether Wicket is your next framework or not, this is the place to be!
