15:00 Opening talk - Arjé Cahn
15:15 Apache Wicket: web applications with just Java - Martijn Dashorst
15:45 Wicket and Swing from one codebase - Johan Compagner http://www.slideshare.net/jcompagner/wicket-and-swing-from-one-codebase/
16:15 wicket-contrib-gmap2 - Martin Funk http://www.slideshare.net/mfunk/wicket-contrib-gmap2/
16:30 Dynamic markup and on the fly components (on binding XML to Wicket) - Wouter Huijnink http://www.slideshare.net/Func/wicket-dynamic-components/
17:00 Wicket Portlets primer - Ate Douma http://www.slideshare.net/ate.douma/wicket-portlet-primerPortlets primer - Ate Douma
17:30 Break / dinner pasta buffet
18:30 Introduction to Wicket Security - Maurice Marrink http://www.slideshare.net/mrmean/wicket-security-presentation
19:00 A plugin architecture for Wicket - Niels van Kampenhout and Wander Grevink http://www.slideshare.net/nielsvk/wicket-plugin-architecture
19:30 SessionStores, Pagemaps and Pages.. What does wicket store (and where) - Johan Compagner http://www.slideshare.net/jcompagner/session-stores-page-maps-and-pages/
20:00 Wicket Live On Stage! A production case study (with lots of AJAX) - Martijn Dashorst
20:30 Closing - Arjé Cahn
20:35 Sponsored drinks!
23:00 Bar closes