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Using a Maven archetype, we will create a simple project whose job is to simply bundle up other project. Below is the command to create the SA Maven project. You may replace the -DarchetypeVersion with whatever ServiceMix version you are using:

No Formatcode
$ [SMX_HOME]/bin/mvnsmx-arch sa
  -DgroupId=com.mycompany \


This information was gleaned from the my-consumer-su pom.xml file in the What is a JBI SU and how do I create one? FAQ entry. Now that we have a SU listed as a dependency, it's time to build and package the SA. Below is the Maven command to do this:

No Formatcode
$ mvn install 

You will need to have Maven 2.0.4 or higher installed in order to run this command. This packages up the my-consumer-su SU inside of the my-sa SA and places the my-sa build artifact in the target directory.


Notice that the SA archive contains not only the required META-INF/jbi.xml file, but also the included file. The META-INF/jbi.xml file was generated by the JBI Maven plugin. Below is the contents of this file:

Code Block
$ cat ./target/my-sa-1.0-SNAPSHOT-installer/META-INF/jbi.xml 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jbi xmlns="" version="1.0">
      <description>A custom project</description>
