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Contributed by Laurens Vets <>. Version 0.3.2 3 - July 2017.


We will be installing Metron 0.4.0 with HDP 2.5 on CentOS 7. We will also install MariaDB as a database for Metron REST. Additionally, we'll also install Apache NiFi.
I installed Metron in a test environment with 3 VMs to try it out as well as a single node. I'll try to write this guide so that the necessary steps can easily be adapted for other environments.


# yum install monit -y
# wget -O /etc/monitrc
# sed -i 's/{{ inventory_hostname }}/<IP ADDRESS>/' /etc/monitrc
# sed -i 's/{{ monit_user }}/admin/' /etc/monitrc
# sed -i 's/{{ monit_pass }}/monit/' /etc/monitrc
# chmod 600 /etc/monitrc
# wget -O /etc/monit.d/pcap-replay.monit
# chmod 644 /etc/monit.d/pcap-replay.monit
# wget -O /etc/monit.d/pcap-service.monit
# chmod 644 /etc/monit.d/pcap-service.monit
# wget -O /etc/monit.d/pycapa.monit
# chmod 644 /etc/monit.d/pycapa.monit
# wget -O /etc/monit.d/snort.monit
# chmod 644 /etc/monit.d/snort.monit
# wget -O /etc/monit.d/yaf.monit
# chmod 644 /etc/monit.d/yaf.monit
# wget -O /etc/monit.d/bro.monit
# sed -i 's/^  with pidfile.*$/  with pidfile \/usr\/local\/bro\/spool\/bro\/\.pid/' /etc/monit.d/bro.monit
# chmod 644 /etc/monit.d/bro.monit
# systemctl enable monit
# systemctl start monit
# systemctl status monit
# monit reload
# monit stop all
# monit start all
# monit summary | tail -n +3 | awk -F"'" '{print $2}'

Miscellaneous Issues


  • There's currently a bug in Metron 0.4.0 where Metron REST doesn't start when restarting the Metron services. This bug was fixed in METRON-990 ( but unfortunately, this fix didn't make the 0.4.0 release. In order to fix this, edit the file "/etc/rc.d/init.d/metron-rest" and on line 148, change "$0 start" to "$0 start $2".

  • I had a problem with Zeppelin after rebooting this machine and had to manually create the Zeppelin run directory:
