Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Ensure the state of the relevant branch is release-ready (tests are passing; CHANGELOG is up to date; RAT check is valid)
  2. Create the release-candidate packages by running the "" script like so: candidate <git-branch>
    Where <git-branch> is the branch for the release (e.g. "master").
  3. Verify the packages are on Apache's dist/dev, and that the sdist and bdist packages are on test PyPI
  4. If this is your first time creating a release for ARIA, make sure to update the KEYS file with your key
  5. Start a voting thread on the ARIA dev mailing list (example).
    To pass, the vote must:
    1. Last for at least 72 hours
    2. Receive at least three +1 votes from PPMC (ARIA's PMC) members
    3. Have more +1 votes than -1 votes in total
  6. After the vote has passed, send a vote result announcement (example)
  7. After the vote has passed, start a new voting thread on the Incubator's general mailing list (example)
    This vote has similar rules to the previous one, only this time only IPMC (Incubator's PMC) member's votes are binding.
    Note that everyone else is still welcome to share their vote (or copy their +1 vote from the dev mailing list's vote).
  8. After the second vote has passed, send a vote result announcement (example)
  9. Finalize the release:
    1. Copy the new packages created on dist/dev to dist/release
      (Don't forget to also copy the KEYS file if you've updated it on dist/dev)
    2. Tag the branch used to create the release candidate on Github with the release's version
    3. Upload the sdist and bdist packages onto PyPI
    These steps may also be automated by using the "" script like so: package <git-branch>
    However, these actions being somewhat delicate, it might be better to run them manually, using the "" script as a reference.
  10. Wait 24 hours (For the mirrors to catch up)
  11. Make an announcement about the release on the ARIA dev and Incubator's general mailing lists (example)
  12. Add download links to the website's download page
    Note: Download links should point to ASF mirrors like so:
    Links for signatures and hash checksums should still point to the ASFs main website, e.g.:
    See more information here:
  13. Set the version to "released" status on JIRA
