Versions Compared


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The AdminClient API will have two new methods added (plus overloads for options):


Code Block
public class ReplicaStatusResult {
    public KafkaFuture<Map<TopicPartition, List<ReplicaStatus>>> all()
 * Represents the replication status of a partition 
 * on a particular broker.
public class ReplicaStatus {
    /** The topic about which this is the status of */
    String topic()
    /** The partition about which this is the status of */
    int gpartitionpartition()
    /** The broker about which this is the status of */
    int broker()
     * The time (as milliseconds since the epoch) that 
     * this status data was collected. In general this may
     * be some time before the replicaStatus() request time.
    public long statusTime()
     * The number of messages that the replica on this broker is behind
     * the leader.
    public long lag()


No Format
AlterTopicsRequest => [AlteredTopic]
  AlteredTopic => Topic, NumPartitions, ReplicationFactor, PartitionAssignment
    Topic => string               ; the topic name
    NumPartitions => int32        ; the number of partitions
    ReplicationFactor => int32int16    ; the replication factor
    PartitionAssignment => PartitionId Brokers
      PartitionId =>int32         ; the partition id
      Brokers => [int32]          ; the ids of the assigned brokers for this partition
