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No Format
ElectPreferredReplicaLeaderResponse => throttle_time_ms [replica_election_result]
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  replica_election_result => topic [partition_result]
    topic => STRING
    partition_result => partition_id error_code error_message
    topic  partition_id => STRINGINT32
      partitionerror_idcode => INT32INT16
      error_codemessage => INT16NULLABLE_STRING


throttle_time_msduration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled
topica topic name from the request
partition_ida partition id for the topic
error_codean error code for that partition
error_messageThe error message

Anticipated errors:

  • UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION (3) If the topic or partition doesn't exist on any broker in the cluster. Note that the use of this code is not precisely the same as it's usual meaning of "This server does not host this topic-partition".

  •  NOT_CONTROLLER (41) If the request is sent to a broker that is not the controller for the cluster.

  • REPLICA_LEADER_ELECTION_IN_PROGRESS (new) if elections are already in progress. The request can be retried at a later time.
  • TOPIC_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED (29) If the user didn't have Alter access to the topic.
  • NONE (0) The election has successfully been started.
