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Comment: Added external identifiers


Figure 3: Linked media for any referenceable entity



External Identifiers

External Identifiers are identifiers for a Referenceable that are used in external systems.

Image Added

Figure 4: Correlating metadata with information in other systems


Property Facets

Property facets allow any entity to be extended with additional properties.  This is particularly useful for storing metadata that originated in another type of metadata repository, or tool since it allows vendor/tool specific values to be stored.

Figure 45: Adding custom properties to any referenceable entity



It is important to understand where assets are located to ensure they are properly protected and comply with data sovereignty laws.  The open metadata model allows location information to be captured at many levels of granularity.

Figure 56: Understanding where data assets and services are located

The NestedLocation relationship allows hierarchical grouping of locations to be represented.  Notice that locations can be organized into multiple hierarchies.

The AdjacentLocation relationship links locations that touch one another.

The notion of a location is variable and the classifications PhysicalLocation, SecureLocation and MobileLocation help to clarify the nature of the location.

  • PhysicalLocation means that the location represents a physical place where, for example, Hosts (see 0030 below), servers (see 0040 below) and hence data may be located.  This could be an area of a data center, the building the data center is located in, or even the country where the server/data is located.
  • SecureLocation indicates that there is restricted access to the location
  • MobileLocation means that the Host (see 0030 below) is mobile.  An example of such a host would be a smart phone or IoT enabled vehicle.


The host and platform metadata entities provide a simple model for the system infrastructure (nodes, computers, etc) that data resources are hosted on.

Figure 67: Defining the platform that the data assets and services run on

The host can be linked to its location through the HostLocation relationship.


The complex hosts handle environments where many nodes are acting together as a cluster, and where virtualized containers (such as Docker) are being used.

Figure 78: Supporting server clusters and server virtualization (server containers)

A HostCluster describes a collection of hosts that together are providing a service.  Clusters are often used to provide horizontal scaling of services.

A VirtualContainer provides the services of a host to the servers deployed on it (see 0040 below).  When the server makes requests for storage, network access etc, the VirtualContainer delegates the requests to the equivalent services of the actual host it is deployed on.

VirtualContainers can be hosted on other VirtualContainers, but to actually run they need to ultimately be deployed on to a real physical Host.



See model 0310 Actors in Area 3 for details of how user identifiers are correlated with people and teams).

Figure 89: Servers and their connectivity and capabilities

Open metadata may also capture the network endpoint(s) that the server is connected to and the host it is deployed to.

The endpoint defines the parameters needed to connect to the server.  It also features in the Connection model used by applications and tools to call the server.  Thus through the endpoint entity it is possible to link the connection to the underlying server.

Within the server are many capabilities.  These range from full applications (see 0060 below) to security plugins to logging and encryption libraries.  Different organizations and tools can choose the granularity in which the capabilities are captured in order to provide appropriate context to data assets and the decisions made around them.


The network model for open metadata is very simple, to allow hosts to be grouped into the networks they are connected to.  This can show details such as where hosts are isolated in private networks, where the gateways onto the Internet. 


Figure 1110: The networks that specific hosts connect to



The cloud platforms and services model show that cloud computing is not so different from what we have been doing before.  Cloud infrastructure and services are classified as such to show that the organization is not completely in control of the technology supporting their data and processes.


Figure 1211: Cloud platforms and services

The cloud provider is the organization that provides and runs the infrastructure for a cloud service.  Typically the host it offers is actually a HostCluster. 

The cloud provider may offer infrastructure as a service (IaaS), in which case, an organization can deploy VirtualContainers onto the cloud provider's HostCluster (see model 0035 above).

If the cloud provider is offering platform as a service (PaaS), an application may deploy server capability onto the cloud platform.

If the cloud provider is offering Software as a Service (SaaS) then it has provided APIs backed by pre-deployed server capability that an organization can call as a cloud service.


