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The goal of Spark and REEF integration is to seamlessly run REEF jobs as part of the Spark application. That is, the user would launch a Spark application (e.g. on YARN cluster), e.g. using standard spark-submit script; that Spark application, in turn, will start a REEF job that shares some or all resources with the parent Spark job; eventually, REEF application will return control back to Spark. One example of such integration could be REEF implementation of a machine learning algorithm launching from the Spark feature extraction pipeline.

We expect that the integration will require no changes to the Spark core itself, and only minimal (say, 3 to 10 LOC) fixes to the code of the user's Spark application.

Target resource managers

We have the following priorities for the target runtimes:


In the subsequent sections, unless stated otherwise, we will assume YARN cluster as a primary runtime environment.


Currently, we only discuss Spark+REEF integration, but not the other way around. That is, we do not plan to run Spark applications from REEF.

Types of Spark+REEF integration

Unmanaged Application Master in REEF

When YARN application registers in Unmanaged AM mode, the resource manager does not provision a new container for the Application Master and expects that this process is managed by the user. That allows to start AM on the client machine or launch several AMs in one YARN container.


Still, Unmanaged AM mode allows the Driver-side integration only. It does not help with the worker nodes' (REEF Evaluators and Spark Executors) integration.

Unmanaged AM status in REEF

Unmanaged AM mode is fully implemented as part of REEF YARN Java runtime since REEF release 0.17. It requires YARN resource manager version 2.7.3 or greater.

There is a Scala example of REEF application running from Spark in Unmanaged AM mode at the package  org.apache.reef.examples.hellospark package in REEF.

Data-driven integration

One possible workaround to achieve a certain level of Spark and REEF integration is to use the high-level Spark API. This way, REEF would never communicate with the resource manager directly; instead, REEF runtime would use Spark functions like .map() to launch REEF Evaluators (and Tasks) at Spark-managed Executor containers.


Also, note that we can still combine data-driven Evaluator allocation with the Unmanaged AM REEF Driver, using the multi-runtime feature of REEF (see reef-runtime-multi REEF module).

High-level REEF API

There are two possible ways to expose data-driven Evaluator allocation in REEF API: via REEF DataLoader service or using the specialized EvaluatorRequestor. We'll discuss both approaches below.

DataLoader service

DataLoader service is part of the standard REEF API in both Java and C# and is used in many REEF applications. It can be viewed as a partial implementation of REEF Driver that handles management of REEF Evaluators according to the configuration defined with DataLoadingRequestBuilder. A typical configuration looks like this:


One example of data loader use can be found e.g. in REEF sample implementation of batch gradient descent in class class.

REEF applications that use data loader can be integrated with Spark by extending the request builder (e.g. by making .setInputPath() accept RDDs). All other Spark-specific details can be completely hidden from the REEF user and implemented in the module  reef-runtime-spark module.

Extended EvaluatorRequestor

Another way to expose Spark-specific API in REEF can be through the class derived from the evaluator requestor (say, SparkEvaluatorRequestor) that will be injected at the Driver. The user would define REEF Driver as usual, but use SparkEvaluatorRequestor to allocate the Evaluators, e.g.


As with the Data Loader, the rest of the implementation would be encapsulated in the module  reef-runtime-spark module.

Using low-level Spark API

Harder to implement, but more flexible approach would be to use the low-level Spark API and use it as a layer between REEF application and the Resource Manager, without communicating with the RM directly. Spark API has methods to allocate and de-allocate containers; REEF runtime can use them to launch Evaluators. REEF Driver also has to intercept messages from Resource Manager to Spark Driver and translate them into corresponding Driver events. Low-level Spark API allows such event listeners, but the implementation might need to distinguish events originated by REEF from those originated by other parts of the Spark application (e.g. using RM tags).

Using low-level Spark API looks very promising in the long run and is definitely more flexible than the data-driven approach described earlier. Still, we need to do more research to make sure that the existing Spark methods and listeners are sufficient to implement the entire REEF runtime.

Support for REEF.NET

Integrating REEF.NET applications with Spark is very important. However, some peculiarities in REEF code make such integration harder than it should be. In this section we will discuss some of the REEF issues related to Spark integration.


Regardless of the runtime, REEF Driver is always a Java application. It uses Java JNI to invoke the driver-side event handlers implemented in .NET. A layer of C++ code that connects Java and C# parts of the REEF Driver is called REEF.NET Bridge. It is fast and reliable, and works fine for cases when REEF user controls the application submission (e.g. via REEF Client).

However, using REEF.NET Bridge makes impossible using standard Spark submission scripts (like spark-submit) to launch the Spark+REEF application, because REEF.NET Driver entry point is not a JAR, but a C++ application compiled as a Windows .EXE file. That makes it impossible to launch existing REEF .NET code from Spark without changing the Spark submission code.

More Spark-friendly approach would be to start REEF Driver purely in Java, and launch .NET VM as a separate process that communicates vith JVM part via TCP. Replacing REEF.NET C++ Bridge with TCP protocol should be completely transparent to both Spark and the existing REEF.NET applications.

Work on the TCP Bridge is already in progress as part of REEF .NET Core / Linux migration effort. We expect the first version of the new bridge to appear in REEF 0.17 release.