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The same trace will be looking pretty similar using traditional Zipkin UI frontend:


Example #7: Client and Server with asynchronous invocation (client-side)

In this example server-side implementation of the JAX-RS service is going to be the default one:

Code Block
@Produces( { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON } )
public Collection<Book> getBooks() {
    return Arrays.asList(
        new Book("Apache CXF Web Service Development", "Naveen Balani, Rajeev Hathi")

While the JAX-RS client implementation is going to perform the asynchronous invocation:

Code Block
final Future<Response> future = client

In this respect, there is no difference from the caller prospective however a bit more work is going under the hood to transfer the active tracing span from JAX-RS client request filter to client response filter as in general those are executed in different threads (similarly to server-side asynchronous JAX-RS resource invocation). The actual invocation of the request by the client (with service name tracer-client) and consequent invocation of the service on the server side (service name tracer-server) is going to generate the following sample traces (taken from Jaeger UI):

Image Added

The same trace will be looking pretty similar using traditional Zipkin UI frontend:

Image Added

Distributed Tracing with OpenTracing and JAX-WS support