Versions Compared


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Metric/Attribute NameDescription
connector-typeThe type of the connector, one of: source, sink
connector-classThe name of the connector class
connector-versionThe version of the connector class, as reported by the connector in this worker
statusThe current status of the connector in this worker, one of: running, paused, stopped 
status-runningSignals whether the connector is in the running state
status-pausedSignals whether the connector is in the paused state
status-stoppedSignals whether the connector is in the stopped state

Common Task Metrics

MBean namekafka.connect:type=task-metrics,connector=([-.\w]+)


Metric/Attribute NameDescription
statusThe current status of this task, one of: unassigned, running, paused, failed, destroyed
status-unassignedSignals whether the task is in the unassigned state
status-runningSignals whether the task is in the running state
status-pausedSignals whether the task is in the paused state
status-failedSignals whether the task is in the failed state
status-destroyedSignals whether the task is in the destroyed state
pause-ratioThe fraction of time this task has spent in the paused state.
offset-commit-success-percentageThe average percentage of this task's offset commit attempts that succeeded
offset-commit-failure-percentageThe average percentage of this task's offset commit attempts that failed or had an error
offset-commit-max-timeThe maximum time taken by this task to commit offsets
offset-commit-99p-timeThe 99th percentile time spent by this task to commit offsets to Kafka
offset-commit-95p-timeThe 95th percentile time spent by this task to commit offsets to Kafka
offset-commit-90p-timeThe 90th percentile time spent by this task to commit offsets to Kafka
offset-commit-75p-timeThe 75th percentile time spent by this task to commit offsets to Kafka
offset-commit-50p-timeThe 50th percentile (average) time spent by this task to commit offsets to Kafka
batch-size-maxThe maximum size of the batches processed by the connector
batch-size-avgThe average size of the batches processed by the connector


MBean namekafka.connect:type=connect-worker-metrics,connector=([-.\w]+)

Metric/Attribute NameDescription


The number of tasks run in this worker (mirrors existing metric)
assigned-connectorsThe number of connectors run in this worker (mirrors existing metric)


The number of tasks run in this worker
connector-countThe number of connectors run in this worker
leader-nameThe name of the group leader
epochThe epoch or generation number of this worker
statestatusThe state of this worker, one of: rebalancing, running
status-rebalancingSignals whether the worker is in the rebalancing state
status-runningSignals whether the worker is in the running state
rest-request-rateThe average per second number of requests handled by the REST endpoints in this worker


MBean namekafka.connect:type=connect-worker-rebalance-metrics,connector=([-.\w]+)

Metric/Attribute NameDescription
rebalance-success-totalThe total number of this worker's successful rebalances
rebalance-success-percentageThe average percentage of this worker's rebalances that succeeded
rebalance-failure-totalThe total number of this worker's failed rebalances
rebalance-failure-percentageThe average percentage of this worker's rebalances that failed
rebalance-max-timeThe maximum time spent by this worker to rebalance
rebalance-99p-timeThe 99th percentile time spent by this worker to rebalance during the last window (defaults to an hour)
rebalance-95p-timeThe 95th percentile time spent by this worker to rebalance during the last window (defaults to an hour)
rebalance-90p-timeThe 90th percentile time spent by this worker to rebalance during the last window (defaults to an hour)
rebalance-75p-timeThe 75th percentile time spent by this worker to rebalance during the last window (defaults to an hour)
rebalance-50p-timeThe 50th percentile (average) time spent by this worker to rebalance during the last window (defaults to an hour)
time-since-last-rebalanceThe time since the most recent rebalance in this worker
task-failure-rateThe number of tasks that failed in this worker
