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  • IvyRep The main repository of ivy files used by Ivy.
  • IvyRep Sandbox This subversion repository is used to share ivy files before promoting them to ivyrep.
  • IBiblio maven repository The official repository of maven hosts a great number of jars. It can be used by ivy to find the jars of your depedencies.
  • Webwork ivy repository Open symphony has created an ivy repository you can use as a model or directly.
  • Kokala repository Folks from FreeCast have created an ivy repository for building FreeCast. You will find many interesting ivy files over here.
  • Maven has a maven repository with interesting stuff that can't be found on ibiblio
  • Codehaus Maven Repository A Maven repository hosted by Codehaus

Tools and plugins

  • This sourceforge project aims to gather community contributed tools and plugins for Ivy.
  • IvyCruise This set of plugins for cruise control let you integrate ivy with this famous continuous integration server.
  • IvyDependencyImportor is a plugin for intellij IDEA, which let you import all the libs described in the ivy.xml to the current module library.
  • IVY for IDEA is another plugin for intellij IDEA, which reads IDEA module settings such as classpath and source directories from IVY setup. (This link fails.)
  • SAnt SAnt (Shared Ant) is an experimental build system based on Ant and Ivy, primarily developpedd as part of the hippo project.
  • IvyBeans A plugin for NetBeans which provides full Apache Ivy integration into the library management feature of the Netbeans IDE.
