Versions Compared


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This article has the following structure:

General note

This article was written using the following environment:

Geronimo v2.0.2 Jetty full J2EE version (
Harmony snapshot r610339, (Jan 9 2008), Windows/ia32/msvc 1310, debug build
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2, 32-bit, English

With other versions and in a different environment, the behavior may differ.

Geronimo configuration

Configure the server to use Harmony RMI Registry provider for JNDI


Harmony doesn't have SSL implementation (see HARMONY-5191), so the following statements have to be added to var/config/config.xml file to instruct Geronimo to use TLS instead of SSL:


Geronimo uses JKS keystore that Harmony doesn't support. For now, there's no way to workaround this problem except by patching the Geronimo source code and replacing the keystore manually. See GERONIMO-20153757 for details.

Customize the server startup



java -Xms256M -Xmx512M -Djava.endorsed.dirs=lib/endorsed -Dhttp.proxyHost=your.proxy -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 -jar bin/server.jar

Use HTTPS web interface

Web interface and console only works through HTTPS port (https://localhost:8443/Image Added). When working through HTTP port (http://localhost:8080/Image Added) large portions of interface are not drawn correctly. This is still to be investigated.

Configure Deployer to use Harmony RMI Registry provider for JNDI


Harmony also supports IBM J9 VM, but Geronimo doesn't work with it, as Geronimo relies on java.util.concurrent package that requires a proper implementation of sun.misc.Unsafe class that is missing in IBM J9 VM.

Other issues

  • Application takes up all the CPU resources on both cores I have available so the machine is 100% busy.
  • Application takes up all the memory specified in -Xms option.