Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



  1. Create a JIRA ticket for the release tasks for version ${NIFI
    _The resulting JIRA ticket number is referred to as ${JIRA_TICKET} in this guide.
  2. Create the next version in JIRA, if it doesn't already exist, so work can continue towards that release.
  3. Create meaningful release notes for this version if not already created. Enter them here on the MiNiFi wiki.
  4. Create a new branch off 'master' named after the JIRA ticket.
    $ git checkout -b MINIFICPP-${JIRA_TICKET}-RC${RC} ${BRANCH}
  5. Verify that you have the needed dependencies to build and run MiNiFi
  6. Ensure the the full application builds, all tests work, and source passes linting by executing the following:
    TODO/DISCUSS:  Should likely ensure all options are enabled to do a full build of all extensions.
    mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make package && make package_source && make test && make linter && make docker

  7. Startup and test the application with from the build folder:
    tar xf nifi-minifi-cpp-0.2.0${MINIFI_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz && ./nifi-minifi-cpp-0.2.0${MINIFI_VERSION}/bin/ start

  8. Evaluate and ensure the appropriate license headers are present on all source files.

  9. Ensure LICENSE and NOTICE files are complete and accurate. (Developers should always be keeping these up to date as they go along adding source and modifying dependencies to keep this burden manageable.)
  1. The validated artifacts all look good then push the branch to origin release branch to the ASF repository.

    $ git push asf MINIFI-CPP-${JIRA_TICKET}-RC${RC}

Generate convenience binaries
TODO/DISCUSS:  Which platforms should we provide convenience binaries for?  How do we handle optional extensions?Generate convenience binaries
    OS X
    Linux - RHEL based


    gsha256sum ${artifact} | cut -d" " -f1 > ${artifact}.sha256
    1. ASCII armored GPG signatures (--digest-algo=SHA512 select the SHA512 hash algorithm). Configure GPG to always prefer stronger hashes.
      $ gpg -a -b --digest-algo=SHA512 nifi-${
  1. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION}  # produces nifi-${
  2. NIFI
      $ gpg -a -b --digest-algo=SHA512 nifi-${
  3. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz          # produces nifi-${
  4. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz.asc
      $ gpg -a -b --digest-algo=SHA512 nifi-${
  5. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION}             # produces nifi-${
  6. NIFI
    2. Generate md5 hash summaries.
      $ md5sum nifi-${
  7. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION} | cut -d" " -f1 > nifi-${
  8. NIFI
      $ md5sum nifi-${
  9. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz | cut -d" " -f1 > nifi-${
  10. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz.md5
      $ md5sum nifi-${
  11. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION} | cut -d" " -f1 > nifi-${
  12. NIFI
    2. Generate SHA1 hash summaries.
      $ sha1sum nifi-${
  13. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION} | cut -d" " -f1 >  nifi-${RELEASAE}
      $ sha1sum nifi-${
  14. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz | cut -d" " -f1 >  nifi-${RELEASAE}-bin.tar.gz.sha1
      $ sha1sum nifi-${
  15. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION} | cut -d" " -f1 >  nifi-${RELEASAE}
    2. Generate SHA256 hash summaries.
      $ shasum -a 256 nifi-${
  16. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION} | cut -d" " -f1 >  nifi-${
  17. NIFI
      $ shasum -a 256 nifi-${
  18. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz | cut -d" " -f1 >  nifi-${
  19. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz.sha256
      $ shasum -a 256 nifi-${
  20. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION} | cut -d" " -f1 >  nifi-${
  21. NIFI
  22. For reviewing of the release candidate, commit the source release and convenience binaries files along with their hashes and signatures to${VERSION}


  1. RM sends a vote request email to the NiFi Developers Mailing List.

  2. RM sends the following helper email to the NiFi Developers Mailing List.

  3. Developers in the community review the release candiate and reply to the vote email with their vote.

  4. After 72 hours if

    • at least 3 binding (PMC members) cast +1 votes, and
    • the positive binding votes out number any negative binding votes
  5. the vote passes and the release candidate is officially released. If the vote does not pass, corrections are made on the release branch and a new release candidate is put forward for a new vote.
  6. RM sends vote result email.

    • TO:
    • FROM: ${RM_USERID}
    • SUBJECT: [RESULT][VOTE] Release Apache NiFi MiNiFi C++ ${NIFI_VERSION}

      Apache NiFi Community,

      I am pleased to announce that the ${NIFI_VERSION} release of Apache NiFi MiNiFi C++ passes with
        X +1 (binding) votes
        Y -1 (binding) votes
        0 0 votes
        0 -1 votes

      Thanks to all who helped make this release possible.

      Here is the PMC vote thread: ${VOTE_THREAD_URL}
