Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
titlesasl.jaas.config example required user_alice=”alice-secret”; \ required;

Protocol Changes

AlterConfigsResponse A new option include_synonyms will be updated to include actual config used by the broker after an update (with validateOnly set to true or false). This is particularly useful to obtain the default value that the config will revert to after removing a broker config. AlterConfigsRequest version will be bumped up to 1.added to DescribeConfigsRequest to return all the configs which may be used as the value of the specified config if the config was removed. For example, config for a topic will return the broker config as a synonym if include_synonyms=true. DescribeConfigsResponse will be return all synonyms in the order of precedence. This is particularly useful to obtain the default value that the config will revert to if a config override is removed. As dynamic broker configs are being added at per-broker and cluster-default levels, include_synonyms can be useful to list all the configured values and the precedence used to obtain the currently configured value.

DescribeConfigsRequest version will be bumped up to 1.

Code Block
DescribeConfigs Request (Version: 1) => [resource [config_name]] include_synonyms
  resource => resource_type resource_name
    resource_type => INT8
    resource_name => STRING
  config_name => STRING
  include_synonyms => BOOLEAN

DescribeConfigs Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms [entities]
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  entities => error_code error_message resource [configs]
    error_code => INT16
    error_message => STRING
Code Block
AlterConfigsResponse (Version: 1) => [responses]   
  responses => resource_type resource_name error_code error_message [configs]

      resource_type => INT8
      resource_name => STRING
     error_code => INT16
configs => [config_entry [synonym]]    <= Added [synonym]
     error_message => STRINGsynonym => resource config_entry       <= NEW
    configsconfig_entry =>
      config_name => STRING
      config_value => STRING
      read_only     (NEW)=> BOOLEAN
      configis_namedefault => STRINGBOOLEAN
      configis_valuesensitive => STRINGBOOLEAN

Public Interface Changes

A new interface Reconfigurable will be added to notify reconfigurable objects of configuration changes. For example, metrics reporters that support reconfiguration can implement the interface Reconfigurable to enable reconfiguration without broker restart. The interface will also be implemented by all internal classes which support reconfiguration (e.g. ChannelBuilder)

Code Block
package org.apache.kafka.common;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

 * Interface for reconfigurable classes that support dynamic configuration.
public interface Reconfigurable {

     * Returns the names of configs that may be reconfigured.
    Set<String> reconfigurableConfigs();

     * Reconfigures this instance with the given key-value pairs. The provided
     * map contains all configs including any reconfigurable configs that
     * may have changed since the object was initially configured using
     * {@link Configurable#configure(Map)}.
    void reconfigure(Map<String, ?> configs);


The classesDescribeConfigsOptions and DescribeConfigsResult used by AdminClient will be updated to include config synonyms in the result.

Tools will be updated to configure defaults and overrides for dynamic configuration options for the entity type brokers.
