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Table of Contents


Current stateUnder Discussion


Kafka Streams topologies can be quite complex and it is important for users to have the ability to test their code. This is especially important if the Processor API is used.

Public Interfaces

We add a new artifact streams-test-utils such that people can easily include it as a dependency to their build. The artifact will have a TopologyTestDriver class that can be used to test topologies.

At the moment, we only have some helper classes in our internal unit test package. Even if this package could be used, there is no guarantee about API stability and users also pull in a large test artifact even if they are only interested in a few test helper classes. Thus, we should provide a public test artifact that supports people to test their code.

Public Interfaces


Code Block
package org.apache.kafka.streams.test;

public class TopologyTestDriver {

    public TopologyTestDriver(Topology topology, Properties config);
    public TopologyTestDriver(Topology topology, Properties config, Time time);

    public void close();

    // methods for actual testing

    public void process(String topicName, byte[] key, byte[] value, long timestamp);                                                          // main process method
    public void process(String topicName, byte[] key, byte[] value);                                                                          // uses constructor provided Time object
    public <K, V> void process(String topicName, K key, V value, Serializer<K> keySerializer, Serializer<V> valueSerializer, long timestamp); // use objects+serializers
    public <K, V> void process(String topicName, K key, V value, Serializer<K> keySerializer, Serializer<V> valueSerializer);

    // for null-key messages
    public void process(String topicName, byte[] value, long timestamp);
    public void process(String topicName, byte[] value);
    public <V> void process(String topicName, V value, Serializer<V> valueSerializer, long timestamp)
    public <V> void process(String topicName, V value, Serializer<V> valueSerializer)

    // single input topic topologies can omit `topicName` (repeats all methods from above without topicName parameter
    public void process(byte[] key, byte[] value, long timestamp);
    public void process(byte[] key, byte[] value);
    public <K, V> void process(K key, V value, Serializer<K> keySerializer, Serializer<V> valueSerializer, long timestamp);
    public <K, V> void process(K key, V value, Serializer<K> keySerializer, Serializer<V> valueSerializer);
    public void process(byte[] value, long timestamp);
    public void process(byte[] value);
    public <V> void process(V value, Serializer<V> valueSerializer, long timestamp)
    public <V> void process(V value, Serializer<V> valueSerializer)

    // see below; cf. TestRecrodFactory
    public void process(TestRecord record);
    public void process(List<TestRecord> records);

    public void punctuateWallClockTime();
    public void punctuateStreamTime();

    // methods for result verification
    public ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]> readOutput(String topic);
    public <K, V> ProducerRecord<K, V> readOutput(String topic, Deserializer<K> keyDeserializer, Deserializer<V> valueDeserializer);

    public StateStore getStateStore(String name);
    public <K, V> KeyValueStore<K, V> getKeyValueStore(String name);
    public <K, V> KeyValueStore<K, V> getWindowStore(String name);
    public <K, V> KeyValueStore<K, V> getSessionStore(String name);


Code Block
package org.apache.kafka.streams.test;

public class MockTime implements Time {

    // Listener that is invoked each time <em>after</em> time was advanced or modified.
    public interface MockTimeListener {
        void tick(long currentTimeMs);

    public MockTime(); // init with System.currentTimeMillis() and System.nanoTime(); no auto-tick
    public MockTime(long autoTickMs); 
    public MockTime(long autoTickMs, long currentTimeMs, long currentHighResTimeNs);

    public void addListener(final MockTimeListener listener) {

    public void setAutoTickMs(long autoTickMs);
    public void setCurrentTimeMs(long newMs);

    // calling those methods triggers auto-tick
    public long milliseconds();
    public long nanoseconds();
    public long hiResClockMs();

    public void sleep(final long ms);


Proposed Changes

We are adding the above described test helper classes in a new artifact streams-test-utils such that people can easily include it as a dependency to their build. The main test class is the test driver while the others a auxiliary classes to generate test data etc.

For time base operations it's important to allow fine grained controll over time. Therefore, we provide a mock time class that can be ingested into the driver and can be used to generte input data. To avoid testing boiler plate code, we provide a rich amount of overload methods and a TestRecordFactory that simplifies to generate TestRecords instead of using the verbose underlying methods. Thus, people have many degrees of freedom on how to use the test driver in their own codeDescribe the new thing you want to do in appropriate detail. This may be fairly extensive and have large subsections of its own. Or it may be a few sentences. Use judgement based on the scope of the change.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

  • What impact (if any) will there be on existing users?
  • If we are changing behavior how will we phase out the older behavior?
  • If we need special migration tools, describe them here.
  • When will we remove the existing behavior?

Test Plan

Describe in few sentences how the KIP will be tested. We are mostly interested in system tests (since unit-tests are specific to implementation details). How will we know that the implementation works as expected? How will we know nothing broke?

Rejected Alternatives

We are only adding new classes. There are no compatiblity issues.

Test Plan

We need to test all added classes with unit tests. Integration or system test are not required.

Rejected Alternatives

NoneIf there are alternative ways of accomplishing the same thing, what were they? The purpose of this section is to motivate why the design is the way it is and not some other way.