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No Format
usage: config-command [-h] --entity-type {topics,clients,users,brokers}
                      [--force FORCE] [--add-config ADDCONFIG]
                      [--delete-config DELETECONFIG]
                      (--entity-name ENTITYNAME | --entity-default)
                      (--describe | --alter)
                      (--bootstrap-servers BOOTSTRAPSERVERS |

Change configs for topics, clients, users, brokers dynamically.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help             show this help message and exit
  --entity-type {topics,clients,users,brokers}
                         REQUIRED:      the       type       of      entity
  --force FORCE          Suppresses console prompts
  --add-config ADDCONFIG
                         Key  Value  pairs  of   configs   to  add.  Square
                         brackets  can  be  used   to  group  values  which
                         contain commas: 'k1=v1,k2=[v1,v2,v2],k3=v3'.
  --delete-config DELETECONFIG
                         Config keys to remove in  the following form: 'k1,

  You can specify only one in --entity-name and --entity-default

  --entity-name ENTITYNAME
                         Name of entity (client id/user principal name)
  --entity-default       Default entity name for  clients/users (applies to
                         corresponding entity type in command line)

  You can specify only one in --alter, --describe

  --describe             List  configs  for  the  given  entity.  (default:
  --alter                Alter the configuration for  the entity. (default:

  You can specify only one in --bootstrap-servers,

  --bootstrap-servers BOOTSTRAPSERVERS
                         REQUIRED: The  broker  list  string  in  the  form
                         HOST1:PORT1,HOST2:PORT2. CONFIGPROPERTIES
                         REQUIRED:  The  config  properties  file  for  the
                         Admin Client.

Process finished with exit code 0
