Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Removing helper classes, correcting help message output


Code Block
public static class Quota {
    public QuotaType type();
    public double value();
    public QuotaSource source();

public static enum QuotaType {

    QuotaType(byte id);

    public byte id();

public static enum QuotaSource {
    SELF(0), DEFAULT(1), PARENT(2);
	QuotaSource(byte id);
    public byte id();
 * Represents a list of Resource objects that have a hierarchical relationship.
 * For instance one could represent relationship like "clientA of user1".
 */public class AdminClient {
    public DescribeQuotasResult describeQuotas(Map<AbstractList<Resource>, <Collection<QuotaType>>, DescribeQuotasOptions options);
    public AlterQuotasResult alterQuotas(Map<AbstractList<Resource>, <Collection<Quota>> configs, AlterQuotasOptions options);
public class ResourceListDescribeQuotasOptions { 
    public ResourceListDescribeQuotasOptions timeoutMs(String user, String clientInteger timeout);

public class DescribeQuotasResult {
    public ResourceList(ResourceType typeMap<AbstractList<Resource>, String<KafkaFuture<Collection<Quota>>> resourceNamevalues();
public class AlterQuotasOptions { 
 * Returns the listpublic ofAlterQuotasOptions resources in a top to bottom (first to last) order.
     */timeoutMs(Integer timeout);
	public AlterQuotasOptions validateOnly(boolean validateOnly);

public class AlterQuotasResult {
    public List<Resource> resourcesMap<AbstractList<Resource>, <KafkaFuture<Void>> results();
 * A helper class that makes sure that a given collection of Quota objects
 * are immutably stored and can be accessed.
public class QuotaCollection {
    public QuotaCollection(Collection<Quota> entries);

Request API

Code Block
public class QuotaCollection {
	public QuotaCollection(ApiError error, Collection<Quota> entries);

    public QuotaCollection(Collection<Quota> entries);

    public ApiError error();
    public Collection<Quota> entries();
 * This public class actsDescribeQuotasRequest asextends an alias for a HashMap that maps a list of Resource
 * objects which represents hierarchical
public class QuotaResourceMap extends HashMap<ResourceList, T> {
    public QuotaResourceMap(ResourceList key, T value);
    public QuotaResourceMap(Map<ResourceList, T>);
public class AdminClient {
    public DescribeQuotasResult describeQuotas(QuotaResourceMap<Collection<QuotaType>>, DescribeQuotasOptions options);
    public AlterQuotasResult alterQuotas(QuotaResourceMap<QuotaCollection> configs, AlterQuotasOptions options);
public class DescribeQuotasOptions { 
    public DescribeQuotasOptions timeoutMs(Integer timeout);

public class DescribeQuotasResult {
    public QuotaResourceMap<KafkaFuture<QuotaCollection>> values();
public class AlterQuotasOptions { 
    public AlterQuotasOptions timeoutMs(Integer timeout);
	public AlterQuotasOptions validateOnly(boolean validateOnly);

public class AlterQuotasResult {
    public QuotaResourceMap<KafkaFuture<Void>> results();

Request API

Code Block
public class QuotaCollection {
	public QuotaCollection(ApiError error, Collection<Quota> entries);

    public QuotaCollection(Collection<Quota> entries);

    public ApiError error();
    public Collection<Quota> entries();
public class DescribeQuotasRequest extends AbstractRequest {
	public static Schema[] schemaVersions();
	public static DescribeQuotasRequest parse(ByteBuffer bufferAbstractRequest {
	public static Schema[] schemaVersions();
	public static DescribeQuotasRequest parse(ByteBuffer buffer, short version);
	public static class Builder extends AbstractRequest.Builder {
		public Builder(Map<AbstractList<Resource>, <Collection<QuotaType>> quotaSettings);
		public DescribeQuotasRequest build(short version);
	public DescribeQuotasRequest(short version, Map<AbstractList<Resource>, <Collection<QuotaType>> quotaSettings);
	public DescribeQuotasRequest(Struct struct, short version);
	public Map<AbstractList<Resource>, Collection<QuotaType>> quotaTypes();

public class DescribeQuotasResponse extends AbstractResponse {
	public static Schema[] schemaVersions();

	public DescribeQuotasResponse(int throttleTimeMs, Map<AbstractList<Resource>, QuotaCollection> quotas);
	public DescribeQuotasResponse(Struct struct);

	public Map<AbstractList<Resource>, QuotaCollection> quotas();
public class AlterQuotasRequest extends AbstractRequest {
	public static Schema[] schemaVersions();
	public static class Builder extends AbstractRequest.Builder {
		public Builder(Map<AbstractList<Resource>, QuotaCollection> quotaSettings);
		public DescribeQuotasRequest build(short version);
	public AlterQuotasRequest(short version, Map<AbstractList<Resource>, QuotaCollection> quotas, boolean validateOnly);
	public AlterQuotasRequest(Struct struct, short version);
	public Map<AbstractList<Resource>, QuotaCollection> quotas();
public class AlterQuotasResponse extends AbstractResponse {
	public static Schema[] schemaVersions();
	public AlterQuotasRequest(short version, Map<AbstractList<Resource>, ApiError> quotas, boolean validateOnly);
	public AlterQuotasRequest(Struct struct, short version);
	public static class Builder extends AbstractRequest.Builder {
		public Builder(QuotaResourceMap<Collection<QuotaType>> quotaSettings);
		public DescribeQuotasRequest build(short version);
	public DescribeQuotasRequest(short version, QuotaResourceMap<Collection<QuotaType>> quotaSettings);
	public DescribeQuotasRequest(Struct struct, short version);
	public QuotaResourceMap<Collection<QuotaType>> quotaTypes();

public class DescribeQuotasResponse extends AbstractResponse {
	public static Schema[] schemaVersions();

	public DescribeQuotasResponse(int throttleTimeMs, QuotaResourceMap<QuotaCollection> quotas);
	public DescribeQuotasResponse(Struct struct);

	public QuotaResourceMap<QuotaCollection> quotas();
public class AlterQuotasRequest extends AbstractRequest {
	public static Schema[] schemaVersions();
	public static class Builder extends AbstractRequest.Builder {
		public Builder(QuotaResourceMap<QuotaCollection> quotaSettings);
		public DescribeQuotasRequest build(short version);
	public AlterQuotasRequest(short version, QuotaResourceMap<QuotaCollection> quotas, boolean validateOnly);
	public AlterQuotasRequest(Struct struct, short version);
	public QuotaResourceMap<QuotaCollection> quotas();
public class AlterQuotasResponse extends AbstractResponse {
	public static Schema[] schemaVersions();
	public AlterQuotasRequest(short version, QuotaResourceMap<ApiError> quotas, boolean validateOnly);
	public AlterQuotasRequest(Struct struct, short version);
	public QuotaResourceMap<ApiError> errors();
    public int throttleTimeMs();


New Command Line Interface

The command line interface will change a little bit in terms of help message and response format as we will use argparse4j for parsing arguments.

Help Message

Map<AbstractList<Resource>, ApiError> errors();
    public int throttleTimeMs();


New Command Line Interface

The command line interface will change a little bit in terms of help message and response format as we will use argparse4j for parsing arguments.

Help Message

No Format
usage: config-command [-h] --entity-type {topics,clients,users,brokers}
                      [--force FORCE] [--add-config ADDCONFIG]
                      [--delete-config DELETECONFIG]
                      (--entity-name ENTITYNAME | --entity-default)
                      (--describe | --alter)
                      (--bootstrap-server BOOTSTRAPSERVERS |
No Format
usage: config-command [-h] --entity-type {topics,clients,users,brokers}
                      [--force FORCE] [--add-config ADDCONFIG]
adminclient.config CONFIGPROPERTIES |
                      --adminclient-property ADMINCLIENTPROPERTY)

Change configs for topics, clients, users, brokers dynamically.

optional arguments:
  -h, [--delete-config DELETECONFIG]
help             show this help message and exit
     (--entity-name ENTITYNAME | --entity-default)type {topics,clients,users,brokers}
                      (--describe | --alter)
 REQUIRED:      the               (--bootstrap-servers BOOTSTRAPSERVERS |
type       of      entity
          --adminclient.config CONFIGPROPERTIES)

Change configs for topics, clients, users, brokers dynamically.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   (topics/clients/users/brokers)
  --force FORCE       show this help messageSuppresses andconsole exitprompts
  --entityadd-type {topics,clients,users,brokers}config ADDCONFIG
                         REQUIRED:Key  Value  pairs  theof   configs    type to  add.  Square
  of      entity
                 brackets  can  be  used  (topics/clients/users/brokers)
  --force FORCE     to  group  values  which
      Suppresses console prompts
  --add-config ADDCONFIG
              contain commas: 'k1=v1,k2=[v1,v2,v2],k3=v3'.
  --delete-config DELETECONFIG
      Key  Value  pairs  of   configs   to  add.  Square
   Config keys to remove in  the following form: 'k1,
             brackets  can  be  used   to  group k2'.

 values You which
can specify only one in --entity-name and --entity-default

  --entity-name ENTITYNAME
               contain commas: 'k1=v1,k2=[v1,v2,v2],k3=v3'.
  --delete-config DELETECONFIG
     Name of entity (client id/user principal name)
  --entity-default       Default entity name for  Config keysclients/users (applies to
 remove in  the following form: 'k1,
                  corresponding entity type in    k2'.command line)

  You can specify only one in --entity-name and alter, --entity-defaultdescribe

  --entity-name ENTITYNAME
       describe             List  configs  for  the  given  entity.  (default:
                  Name  of entity (client id/user principal namefalse)
  --entity-defaultalter           Default entity name for  clients/users (applies to
     Alter the configuration for  the entity. (default:
                    corresponding entity type in command linefalse)

  REQUIRED. You can specify only one in --bootstrap-alterservers, --describeadminclient.config

  --describe             List  configs  for  the  given  entity.  (default:
bootstrap-server BOOTSTRAPSERVER
                         The  broker  list  string  in  the  false)form
  --alter                Alter the configuration for  the entity. (default: HOST1:PORT1,HOST2:PORT2.
  --adminclient.config ADMINCLIENTCONFIG

  You can specify only one in --bootstrap-servers, --adminclient.config

  --bootstrap-servers BOOTSTRAPSERVERS
  The  config  properties  file  for  the
             REQUIRED: The  broker  list  string  in  the Admin formClient.
  --adminclient-propert ADMINCLIENTPROPERTY
  --adminclient.config CONFIGPROPERTIES
 Comma separated list of properties in the
                  REQUIRED:  The  config  properties form file  for  theof 'k1=v1,k2=v2' to initialize the 
                         Adminadmin Clientclient.

Process finished with exit code 0
