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Comment: Added JIRA and Mail Discussion links, added Javadoc to RefreshConfig


Current state: "Under Discussion"

Discussion thread:  [not yet created]here

JIRA: KAFKA-6562[not yet created]

Please keep the discussion on the mailing list rather than commenting on the wiki (wiki discussions get unwieldy fast).


Code Block
 * Immutable refresh-related configuration for instances of
 * {@link ExpiringCredentialRefreshingLogin}. Configuration that is independent
 * of the actual credential itself and that can be defined as login module
 * options in a JAAS config should be stored here.
public class RefreshConfig {
     * Default constructor with individual refresh configuration properties
     * being set to their default values
    public RefreshConfig() {
        this(Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), "");

     * Constructor based on a map with keys being the String keys associated with
     * {@link RefreshConfigProp} instances and values being either Strings or
     * non-Strings. Individual refresh configuration properties that are not
     * explicitly set to a valid value on the given map will be set to their default
     * value for this instance.
     * @param configMap
     *            the mandatory (but possibly empty) configuration map upon which to
     *            build this instance
     * @see RefreshConfigProp#stringKeys()
     * @see RefreshConfigProp#parseValue(Object)
    public RefreshConfig(Map<String, String> configMap) {
        this(configMap, "");

     * Constructor based on a map with keys being the String keys associated with
     * {@link RefreshConfigProp} instances and values being either Strings or
     * non-Strings. Individual refresh configuration properties that are not
     * explicitly set to a valid value on the given map will be set to their default
     * value for this instance.
     * @param configMap
     *            the mandatory (but possibly empty) configuration map upon which to
     *            build this instance
     * @param keyPrefix
     *            the mandatory (but potentially blank) prefix to prepend to String
     *            keys
     * @see RefreshConfigProp#stringKeys()
     * @see RefreshConfigProp#parseValue(Object)
    public RefreshConfig(Map<String, String> configMap, String keyPrefix) {
        // etc...
     public* Map<RefreshConfigProp,Return Object>the refreshConfigMap((always non-null and unmodifiable) {@code Map} that resulted from
     * the parsing of  return refreshConfigMap;
the input provided at construction time

     * public@return doublethe refreshWindowFactor((always non-null and unmodifiable) {@code Map} that resulted from
     *         the parsing of the input provided at returnconstruction refreshWindowFactor;time
    public double refreshWindowJitterMap<RefreshConfigProp, Object> refreshConfigMap() {
        return refreshWindowJitterrefreshConfigMap;

    public long* refreshMinPeriodMillis() {
        return refreshMinPeriodMillis;
Background login refresh thread will sleep until the specified window factor
     * relative to the credential's total lifetime has been reached, at which time
     * it will try to refresh the credential. The default value is 0.8 (80%).
     * @return the refresh window factor
     * @see RefreshConfigProp#REFRESH_WINDOW_FACTOR
    public double refreshWindowFactor() {
        return refreshWindowFactor;

     * Amount of random jitter added to the background login refresh thread's sleep
     * time. The default value is 0.05 (5%).
     * @return the refresh window jitter
     * @see RefreshConfigProp#REFRESH_WINDOW_JITTER
    public double refreshWindowJitter() {
        return refreshWindowJitter;

     * The minimum time between checks by the background login refresh thread,
     * regardless of other constraints, in milliseconds. The default value is 60,000
     * (1 minute).
     * @return the minimum refresh period, in milliseconds
     * @see RefreshConfigProp#REFRESH_MIN_PERIOD_MILLIS
    public long refreshMinPeriodMillis() {
        return refreshMinPeriodMillis;

     * If the LoginModule and SaslClient implementations support multiple
     * simultaneous login contexts on a single Subject at the same time. If true,
     * then upon refresh, logout will only be invoked on the original LoginContext
     * after a new one successfully logs in. This can be helpful if the original
     * credential still has some lifetime left when an attempt to refresh the
     * credential fails; the client will still be able to create new connections as
     * long as the original credential remains valid. Otherwise, if logout is
     * immediately invoked prior to relogin, a relogin failure leaves the client
     * without the ability to connect until relogin does in fact succeed. The
     * default value is false.
     * @return true if relogin is allowed prior to discarding an existing
     *         (presumably unexpired) token, otherwise false
     * @see RefreshConfigProp#RELOGIN_ALLOWED_BEFORE_LOGOUT
    public boolean reloginAllowedBeforeLogout() {
        return reloginAllowedBeforeLogout;

    // etc...
