Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


We need to do some verification in our own environment before voting.


LICENSE file exists
NOTICE file exists
DISCLAIMER file exists
Signature file looks good
Hash files look good
Source compiled.
No 3rd part exes in source artifact

Check the filelist

  • CHANGES.txt
  • [project]
  • [project].pom
  • Signature file.
  • Hash filefiles.

DO NOT provide md5 files.

Download source package and unpack

Download from the dist page.

Unpack the zip.

Check the filelist inside

In the directory, check the files exists:


Check the licenses

No Format
mvn apache-rat:check

It should be success.

Check the third party licenses

No Format
mvn license:add-third-party

It will generate two files:

  • service/target/generated-sources/license/THIRD-PARTY.txt
  • measure/target/generated-sources/license/THIRD-PARTY.txt

Check the two files, make sure the third party packages' licenses are all permitted by Apache.

Licenses in Category X should not be depended on.

No Format
Category A
• Can bundle and can depend on
• Don’t add any restrictions above and beyond what the Apache License 2.0 does
• Common licenses include:
Apache License 2.0, Apache License 1.1, 2 or 3 clause BSD (without advertising clause), MIT/X11, W3C, Unicode, CC copyright only, WTF public license
Category B
• Can’t include in source release
• Contain some restriction of use
• By using binary form limits chance of corruption
• Common license include:
Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL), Eclipse Public License (EPL), Mozilla Public License (MPL), Creative Common Attribution (CC-A)
Category X
• Can’t depend on
• Can’t bundle
• A few exceptions for build tools
• Or optional dependancies
• Common Category X include:
 GPL, LGPL, CC non commercial, JSON, BSD 4 clause, Apache 1.0?

Source compile

No Format
mvn clean install

It should be success.

After all the steps above passes, you can be confident to vote +1.

If any problem, you can vote -1 with the reasons.