Versions Compared


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Code Block
* TestRunner provides static factory for quick setup of Samza environment for testing Low level api and High level api , users can configure input streams 
* they consume from and output streams they produce to, users pass in their Samza job api logic via StreamTask and AsyncStreamTask

public class TestRunner {
  // Static Factory to config & create runner for low level api 
  public static TestRunner of(StreamTask task) {...}
  public static TestRunner of(AsyncStreamTask task) {...}
  public static TestRunner of(StreamApplication app) {...}
  // Add/Ovveride any custom configs
  public TestRunner addOverrideConfigs(Map<String,String> configs) {...}
  public TestRunner addOverrideConfigs(String configUri) {...}
  public TestRunner addConfig(String key, String val){...} 
  // Set container mode either single container or multi container
  public TestRunner setContainerMode(Mode mode) {...}
  // Multithreading configs for users
  public TestRunner setTaskMaxConcurrency(Integer value) {...}
  public TestRunner setTaskCallBackTimeoutMS(Integer value) {...}
  public TestRunner setJobContainerThreadPoolSize(Integer value) {...}
  // Configure state for application
  public TestRunner addState(String storeName) {...}  
  // Configure an input stream for samza system, that task can consume from
  public TestRunner addInputStream(CollectionStream stream) {...}
  // Configures an output stream for samza system, that task can producer to
  public TestRunner addOutputStream(CollectionStream stream) {...}
  // Run the app
  public void run() {...}



Types of Input Streams


Code Block
* TestApplicationCollectionStream provides staticutilities factoryto forbuild quickan setupin ofmemory Samzainput environmentstream for testing High Level Api. Users can either passof collections(list, map). It also supports initialization of 
* instancemultiple ofpartitions StreamApplciationfor oran letinput framework do the initization for them and then configure input  
* streams and then apply various operators on streams and run the application
public class TestApplication<T> {stream 
public class CollectionStream<T> { 
  // Create an empty stream that a Samza task can produce to
  public static <T> CollectionStream<T> empty(String steamId) {...}
  // StaticCreate factorya tostream configof &messages createfrom runnerinput forlist Highwith levelsingle api partition
  public static <T> TestApplicationCollectionStream<T> createof() {...}
  public static TestApplication create(StreamApplication app) String steamId, Iterable<T> collection){...}
  // Add/OvverideCreate anya customstream configs
of messages public TestApplication addOverrideConfigs(Map<String,String> config) {...}from input list with multiple partition, key of partitions map is partitionId
  public static <T> TestApplicationCollectionStream<T> addOverrideConfigsof(String configUri) steamId, Map<Integer,Iterable<T>> partitions){...}
  // Set container mode either single container or multi container
  public TestApplication setContainerMode(Mode mode) {...}

  // Multithreading configs for users
  public TestApplication setTaskMaxConcurrency(Integer value) {...}
  public TestApplication setTaskCallBackTimeoutMS(Integer value) {...}
  public TestApplication setJobContainerThreadPoolSize(Integer value) {...}  
  // Configure any kind of input stream for samza system, and get the handle of message stream to apply operators on
  public <T> MessageStream<T> getInputStream(EventStream<T> stream) {...}
  public <T> MessageStream<T> getInputStream(CollectionStream<T> stream) {...}
  public <T> MessageStream<T> getInputStream(FileStream<T> stream) {...}
  // Run the app
  public void run() {...};

Types of Input Streams


Code Block
* EventStream provides utilities to build an in memory input stream of events. It helps mimic run time environment of your job, 
* advancing time for windowing functions  
public class EventStream<T> {
  public static abstract class Builder<T> {
    public abstract Builder addElement();
    public abstract Builder addException();
    public abstract Builder advanceTimeTo(long time);
    public abstract EventStream<T> build(); 

 public static <T> Builder<T> builder() {...}
Code Block
Code Block
* CollectionStreamFileStream provides utilities to build ana instream memoryof inputmessages streamfrom of collections(list, map). It also supports initialization of 
* multiple partitions for an input stream a file on disk
public class CollectionStream<T>FileStream<T> { 
  //public Createstatic an<T> emptyFileStream<T> stream that a Samza task can produce to
  public static <T> CollectionStream<T> empty(String steamId) {...}
  // Create a stream of messages from input list with single partition
  public static <T> CollectionStream<T> of(String steamId, Iterable<T> collection){...}
  // Create a stream of messages from input list with multiple partition, key of partitions map is partitionId
  public static <T> CollectionStream<T> of(String steamId, Map<Integer,Iterable<T>> partitions){...}
Code Block
* EventStream provides utilities to build an in memory input stream of events. It helps mimic run time environment of your job, 
* advancing time for windowing functions  
public class EventStream<T> {
  public static abstract class Builder<T> {
    public abstract Builder addElement();
    public abstract Builder addException();
    public abstract Builder advanceTimeTo(long time);
    public abstract EventStream<T> build(); 

 public static <T> Builder<T> builder() {...}
Code Block
* FileStream provides utilities to build a stream of messages from a file on disk
public class FileStream<T> {
  public static <T> FileStream<T> of(String fileUri) {...}


of(String fileUri) {...}

Examples Usages of Test Api:

Code Block
titleSimple StreamTask Test
* Simple Test case using a collection as an input for a low level application. It demonstrates set up and comparison of a test with 
* minimal(eg. here none) configs and it reads an input stream of integers and multiplies each integer with 10
// Create a StreamTask
StreamTask myTask = new StreamTask() {
  public void process(IncomingMessageEnvelope envelope, MessageCollector collector, TaskCoordinator coordinator) throws Exception {
    Integer obj = (Integer) envelope.getMessage();
    collector.send(new OutgoingMessageEnvelope(new SystemStream("test-samza","output"), obj*10));
// Initialize and run the test framework
    .addInputStream(CollectionStream.of("test-samza.input", {1,2,3,4}))
// Assertions on the outputs
Code Block
titleSimple AsyncStreamTask Test
* Simple Test case using a collection as an input for a low level application in the async mode

public class AsyncRestTask implements AsyncStreamTask, InitableTask, ClosableTask {
  private Client client;
  private WebTarget target; 

  public void init(Config config, TaskContext taskContext) throws Exception {
    // Your initialization of web client code goes here
    client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
    target ="").path("hello");

  public void processAsync(IncomingMessageEnvelope envelope, MessageCollector collector,
      TaskCoordinator coordinator, final TaskCallback callback) {
    target.request().async().get(new InvocationCallback<Response>() {
      public void completed(Response response) {


Code Block
titleSimple StreamTask Test
* Simple Test case using a collection as an input for a low level application. It demonstrates set up and comparison of a test with 
* minimal(eg. here none) configs and it reads an input stream of integers and multiplies each integer with 10
// Create a StreamTask
StreamTask myTask = new StreamTask() {
  public void process(IncomingMessageEnvelope envelope, MessageCollector collector, TaskCoordinator coordinator) throws Exception {
    Integer obj = (Integer) envelope.getMessage();
        collector.send(new OutgoingMessageEnvelope(new SystemStream("test-samza","output"), obj*10));
// Initialize and run the test framework
    .create(myTask) callback.complete();

      public void failed(Throwable throwable) {
    System.addInputStream(CollectionStreamout.ofprintln("test-samza.input", {1,2,3,4}))Invocation failed.");
// Assertions on the outputs
Code Block
titleSimple AsyncStreamTask Test
* Simple Test case using a collection as an input for a low level application in the async mode

public class AsyncRestTask implements AsyncStreamTask, InitableTask, ClosableTask {
  private Client client;
  private WebTarget target; 

  public void init(Config config, TaskContext taskContext) throws Exception {
    // Your initialization of web client code goes here
    client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
    target ="").path("hello");

  public void processAsync(IncomingMessageEnvelope envelope, MessageCollector collector,
      TaskCoordinator coordinator, final TaskCallback callback) {
    target.request().async().get(new InvocationCallback<Response>() {
      public void completed(Response response) {
        Integer obj = (Integer) envelope.getMessage();
        collector.send(new OutgoingMessageEnvelope(new SystemStream("test-samza","output"), obj*10));

      public void failed(Throwable throwable) {
        System.out.println("Invocation failed.");

  public void close() throws Exception {

// Initialize and run the test framework
    .create(new AsyncRestTask())
	.addInputStream(CollectionStream.of("test-samza.Input", {1,2,3,4}))
// Assertions on the outputs

  public void close() throws Exception {

// Initialize and run the test framework
    .of(new AsyncRestTask())
	.addInputStream(CollectionStream.of("test-samza.Input", {1,2,3,4}))
// Assertions on the outputs
Code Block
titleSimple High Level Api Test
* Simple Test case using a collection as an input for a High level application
public class MyStreamApplication implements StreamApplication {
  public void init(StreamGraph graph, Config config) {
    MessageStream<Integer> pageViews = graph.getInputStream(“”); -> "processed " + s)

Code Block
titleSimple High Level Api Test
* Simple Test case using a collection as an input for a High level application
// Initialize and run the test framework
	.createof(new MyStreamApplication());
    .getInputStreamaddInputStream(CollectionStream.of("test-samza.input", {1,2,3}))
    .addOutputStream(CollectionStream.mapempty(s -> "processed " + s"test-samza.Output"))
// Assertions on the outputs
StreamAssert.that("test-samza.input").contains(Arrays.asList("processed 1", "processed 2", "processed 4"));
