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Contribution Preparation


Helps prepare contributions/composites for running across the nodes in a domain. Steps here could all be done manually by editing of the individual composite files.



run the workplace
add contributions


  1. add/list/remove contributions/composites/nodes
  2. analyze/resolve/validate contributions and their dependencies
  3. include composite (from the contributions above) in a domain
    1. A matter of selecting which composites will be top level composites in the domain
  4. associate composites with nodes/apply physical binding defaults/propogate propagate physical addresses based on domain level wiring
    1. Get contributions - hoping this is all done by previous steps
      1. For each contribution included
      2. Find all artifacts in the contribution
      3. Read each artifact and create a model (apart from composites which are done later)
      4. resolve models against artifacts from contribution and its dependencies
  5. read/compile-build/write composites without requiring a runtime


contributions/composites configured for running on nodes


Node Start

run the node.exe

Load extensions
create runtime artifacts (builders, activators etc)
Load definitions.xml
