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Other options, depending on the level of integration necessary, would include using #Routing & Transformation and other Enterprise Integration Patterns to connect individual services. You could also use a Script or Java Bean to integrate several services.

Publication / Discovery

Is there a service registry?

JBI includes a basic service registry, mapping services to WSDLs. It is not extensive. Any service can access the registry via the JBI API, or it can be accessed remotely via JMX. There is not, for example, an HTTP interface to the registry.

Can the registry be customized with additional fields or metadata?


Are there other options for service discovery?

Mainly, using an external service registry like Apache jUDDI – though that would only work for services exposed to the network via some binding component.


Is WS-Policy supported?

WS-Policy is supported by the CXF binding component. Which is to say, policies can be applied in the WSDL exposed by that endpoint, but once a NormalizedMessage is on the bus, ServiceMix does not support WS-Policy when invoking services on the bus.

How are policies maintained?

See the CXF documentation for more information.