Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
<target name="runClient">
   <java classname="client.WSClient" fork="true">	    	
         <pathelement location="${build.classes.dir}"/>
         <fileset dir="${env.CXF_HOME}/lib">
            <include name="*.jar"/>
      <jvmarg value="-Djava.util.logging.config.file=/usr/myclientapp/"/>

Using Log4j Instead of java.util.logging

As noted above, CXF uses the java.util.logging package by default. But it is possible to switch CXF to instead use Log4J. This is achieved through the use of configuration files. There are two options to bootstrapping CXF logging and each is listed below:

  • Add the following system property to the classpath from which CXF is initialized:
Code Block

  • Add the file META-INF/cxf/org.apache.cxf.Logger to the classpath and make sure it contains the following content:
Code Block


Debugging Tools

Eclipse IDE
