Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Add a Code Formatting header to highlight this info, and allow refs


  • Import the project(s) to eclipse workspace using:
    No Format
    File --> Import --> +General --> Existing Projects into Workspace
    Select project or projects depending on how you created the project in the #Creating Eclipse Projects step.
  • Set the Maven Classpath variable M2_REPO to tell Eclipse where the Maven repository is by clicking the "New" button in
    No Format
    Window --> Preferences --> Java --> Build Path --> Classpath Variables
    Enter M2_REPO and set it to your maven2 repository directory. On linux this directory is usually located at
    No Format
    and on windows its usually at
    No Format
  • IF If you are working on a builder module, i.e. geronimo-tomcat6-builder, you must add xmlbeans classes to the build path.
    Right click on the builder project and Select "Add Class Folder" by doing the following:
    No Format
    <Project> -->  Build Path --> Configure Build Path --> Java Build PAth --> Add Class Folder
    Check target/clover/classes folder from the selection.
  • To prevent Eclipse from copying the .svn directories to the output folder of projects, do the following:
    Expand 'Output folder' setting using
    No Format
    Window --> Preferences --> Java --> Compiler --> Building --> Output folder
    Append ,*.svn to the ''Filtered Resources'' field.

Code Formatting

  • If you plan on contributing code or patches to the project, please configure eclipse to not use tabs by doing the following:
    No Format
    Window --> Preferences --> Java --> Code Style --> Formatter --> Java Conventions [built-in]
    Click on "Edit". Under Indentation select Tab policy as "space only". Enter a new name for this profile and click "OK".
