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interface ConnectClusterState{
     * Get a list of connectors currently running in this cluster. This is a full list of connectors in the cluster gathered
     * from the current configuration.
    Collection<String> connectors();
     * Lookup the current status of a connector.
     * @param connName name of the connector
    ConnectorHealth connectorHealth(String connName);
public class ConnectorHealth {

    private final String name;
    private final ConnectorState connector;
    private final Map<Integer, TaskState> tasks;
    private final ConnectorType type;

    public ConnectorHealth(String name,
                           ConnectorState connector,
                           Map<Integer, TaskState> tasks,
                           ConnectorType type) { = name;
        this.connector = connector;
        this.tasks = tasks;
        this.type = type;

    public String name() {
        return name;

    public ConnectorState connectorState() {
        return connector;

    public Map<Integer, TaskState> tasksState() {
        return tasks;

    public ConnectorType type() {
        return type;

public abstract class AbstractState {

    private final String state;
    private final String trace;
    private final String workerId;

    public AbstractState(String state, String workerId, String trace) {
        this.state = state;
        this.workerId = workerId;
        this.trace = trace;

    public String state() {
        return state;

    public String workerId() {
        return workerId;

    public String trace() {
        return trace;

public class ConnectorState extends AbstractState {

    public ConnectorState(String state, String worker, String msg) {
        super(state, worker, msg);
public class TaskState extends AbstractState implements Comparable<TaskState> {

    private final int taskId;

    public TaskState(int taskId, String state, String worker, String msg) {
        super(state, worker, msg);
        this.taskId = taskId;

    public int taskId() {
        return taskId;

    public int compareTo(TaskState that) {
        return, that.taskId);

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (o == this) {
            return true;
        if (!(o instanceof TaskState)) {
            return false;
        TaskState other = (TaskState) o;
        return compareTo(other) == 0;

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(taskId);

This also introduces a new configuration that  rest.extension.classes that allows to configure a comma separated list of Rest extension implementations.

Proposed Changes

Plugin Interface

Users will be able to create a plugin by implementing the ConnectRestExtension interface, which has a single method that takes a ConnectRestExtensionContext instance as the only parameter. This allows us to change the interface easily in future to add new parameters. Connect runtime would also provide a default implementation for the interface ConnectRestExtensionContext.  One or more of the ConnectRestExtension  implementation can be configured via the configuration rest.extension.classes as a comma separated list of class names.



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class ConnectRestExtensionContextImpl implements ConnectRestExtensionContext{
    private final Configurable configurable;
    private final ConnectClusterState clusterState;
    ConnectRestExtensionContext(Configurable configurable, ConnectClusterState clusterState){
        this.configurable = configurable;
        this.clusterState = clusterState;
    public Configurable configurable(){
        return this.configurable;
    public ConnectClusterState clusterState(){
        return this.clusterState;

We will be introducing another new public API ConnectClusterState which will at present provide some of the read only methods from the Herder.  The change would also include a default implementation ConnectClusterStateImpl in the connect runtime that will delegate to the underlying Herder. This will be useful when you want to add new resources like healthcheck, monitoring, etc.

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class ConnectClusterStateImpl implements ConnectClusterState{
    private final Herder herder;
    public ConnectClusterStateImpl(Herder herder){
        this.herder = herder;
    Collection<String> connectors(){
        //delegate to herder
    ConnectorHealth connectorHealth(String connName);{
        //delegate to herder

Rest Extension Integration with Connect

The plugin's would be registered in the RestServer.start(Herder herder) method after registering the default Connect resources. Connect Runtime would provide an implementation of Configurable interface that would do the following.

  • Constructed with the ResourceConfig available in the RestServer and the configure(Map<String, ?> configs) is invoked on the implementation
  • Will check if resource is already registered. If not, it would delegate to ResourceConfig. If already registered would log a warning message.
  • For non-register methods would just delegate to the ResourceConfig instance. This helps alleviate any issues that could arise if Extension accidentally reregister the connect resources.
  • The close() for the plugins would be invoked as part of the stop() in the RestServer. The implementation would not be invoked after this.


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class ConnectRestConfigurable implements Configurable{
	ResourceConfig resourceConfig;
	public ConnectRestConfigurable(ResourceConfig resourceConfig) {
		this.resourceConfig = resourceConfig;
	//implement methods and delegate to resourceConfig


The new extension class and its dependencies would need to be as part of the plugin path. Hence ConnectRestExtension would be defined as a new plugin to be loaded by the PluginClassLoader.The plugin would be looked up based on Java's Service Provider API instead of the Reflections scan that is used for other plugins. This will help in terms of not adding class loader cost that is associated in scanning the classes today for other plugins. Hence the implementation must provide a `META-INF/services/` as part of the jar file containing the fully qualified implementation class .


Consider the following example that defines a single plugin to add an authenticating filter and a health check resource.

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class  ExampleConnectRestExtension implements ConnectRestExtension{
	private Map<String, ?> configs;
    public void register(ConnectRestExtensionContext restPluginContext){
        restPluginContext.configurable().register(new AuthenticationFilter(configs));
        restPluginContext.configurable().register(new HealthCheckResource(configs, restPluginContext.clusterState()));
    public void close() throws IOException {

    public void configure(Map<String, ?> configs) {
		this.configs = configs;

    public String version() {
        return AppInfoParser.getVersion();
class AuthenticationFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
 private final String authenticationRealm;
  public AuthenticationFilter(Map<String, ?> configs){
    //set up filter
	authenticationRealm = configs.get("example.authentication.realm");
  public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) {
        //authentication logic
class HealthCheckResource {
    public HealthCheckResource(Map<String, ?> configs, ConnectClusterState clusterState){
        //initialize resource
    public void healthcheck(){
        //check herder health


For the RestExtension implementation to be found, the JAR should include the classes required by the implementation (excluding any Connect API or JAX-RS JARs) and should include a META-INF/services/ file that contains the fully-qualified names of the extension implementation class(es) found within the JAR. This is the standard Java Service Loader API mechanism.


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# Implementation class



The above illustrated plugin can then be configured in the worker's configuration as below


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 // configure plugin

Reference Implementation

The KIP proposes to include a reference implementation that allows users to authenticate incoming Basic Auth headers against the configured JAASLoginModule.
