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Definition: What is it?

OFBiz comes with a master template for a very comprehensive chart of accounts. This can be found in 'Global GL Defaults' under the 'Accounting' tab.

A couple of points to note

  • you do not need to use all the accounts defined in this master template (but it may be simpler to look for the accounts that you can use or rename)
  • you can create your own additional accounts if you dont want to use the ones in the master template

The chart of accounts for the default organisation (Company) is built up by selecting the accounts that you want to use from the global chart of accounts master template. This means that if you want to create a new account then you need to create it first in the Global Chart of Accounts and then link (or assign) it to the chart of accounts for Company.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You need to be careful if you do decide to create your own accounts that they contain all the details required and that they are linked into the relevant configuation for the setup of the GL defaults. This means that if you change an account (eg Inventory) to one of your own - you need to check the GL defaults setup and replace any reference to the Inventory account to the one you have created.

What is it used for?

This Chart of Accounts screen is used to define the chart that will be actively used by the company. For example the Global chart of accounts may contain 100 different accounts but only 20 need to be used for your specific business. This means the you need only to create assignments to the accounts that you actively want to use.

NOTE: Be careful if you plan to use and tailor the demo chart of account as some accounts that you decide not to use may be referenced in the GL Account Defaults.

What is it used for?


What's on the screen?


What's on the screen?


How do I create a Chart of Accounts?


How do I update a Chart of Accounts?


How do I delete a Chart of Accounts?

Accounts are not deleted from the Chart of Accounts - they are simply no longer selected to be used.

It is important that you do not remove accounts that are active and have already been used for transactions. Even if the net balance of the account is zero then from an audit perspective then you should not be removing accounts.

You should only be looking to remove accounts that have not been used. To un-link or un-assign accounts from the default company then use the Entity Data Maintenance from the Webtools menu. Look for the entity 'GlAccountOrganization' and delete the record to remove the link. TO DO