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These services are integrated with the Shipment code in the Route Segments area and links in the user interface appear when the Carrier Party ID is "UPS".ß


This is configured using various properties in the ${ofbiz install dir}/applications/product/config/ file.


  1. UPS Shipper Number




        1. Example: 486915


      1. UPS Bill Shipper Account Number




            1. Example: 486915


          1. UPS XPCI Access License Number




                1. Example: TEST262223144CAT


              1. UPS XPCI Access User ID




                  1. UPS XPCI Access Password




                      1. Setting to save files needed for UPS certification






                            1. This option is used to create the artifacts the UPS needs to certify client implementation. It is generally required for each customer to go through this process and for UPS to verify the results. Once this is done the property should be set to false. For more information on this process, see the UPS XPCI documentation and additional information in the file.
                          USPS Online Rate Estimates


                          For this to work the CarrierShipmentMethod.carrierServiceCode field must be populated (as it is in the DemoShipping.xml file). Examples include "Priority", "Express", etc.


                          This is configured using various properties in the file:

                          ${ofbiz install dir}/applications/product/config/


                          1. USPS Connection URL & timeout in seconds


                                1. shipment.usps.connect.url


                                1. Example: http://localhost/facility/ShippingAPI.dll


                                1. shipment.usps.connect.timeout


                                1. Example: 60


                              1. USPS Credentials


                                    1. shipment.usps.access.userid


                                    1. shipment.usps.access.password


                                  1. Estimate split into packages


                                        1. shipment.usps.max.estimate.weight


                                        1. Example: 70

                                      Store Payment Settings


                                      To setup Credit Card (and certain other payment types) processing just specify the services to use for each of the following processes:ß

                                      1. Payment Authorization Service


                                      1. Payment Capture Service


                                      1. Payment Re-Authorization Service


                                      1. Payment Refund Service


                                      1. Payment Release Authorization Service

                                      All service definitions for the payment processing that are included with OFBiz are in the ${ofbiz install dir}/applications/accounting/servicedef directory.ß

                                      1. For CyberSource see the service definitions in the services_cybersource.xml file. This includes these services: cyberSourceCCAuth, cyberSourceCCCapture, cyberSourceCCRelease, cyberSourceCCRefund, and cyberSourceCCCredit


                                      1. For ClearCommerce see the service definitions in the services_clearcommerce.xml file.


                                      1. For PCCharge see the service definitions in the services_pccharge.xml file.


                                      1. For RiTA see the service definitions in the services_rita.xml file.


                                      1. For Verisign PayFlo Pro see the service definitions in the services_verisign.xml file.


                                      1. For ValueLink (gift cards) see the service definitions in the services_valuelink.xml file.
                                      Payment Processor Details

                                      While the payment services and high level settings are configured in the Store section of the Catalog Manager the detailed configuration for the various payment processing services are configured in the file:


                                      ${ofbiz install dir}/applications/accounting/config/


                                      1. There are many comments in this file and sections for each of the major payment processing services.


                                      1. If you are using any credit card payment processor, be sure to check and if necessary change the properties near the beginning of the file that follow the pattern: "payment.general.reauth.*.days".
                                      PayPal Payment Setup


                                      The ones that always need to be changed for use of PayPal are: ß

                                      1. - set to an email address on your PayPal account


                                      1. payment.paypal.notify - just change domain name and port to the production values you are using


                                      1. payment.paypal.return - set to the URL where you want PayPal to send customers once payment is complete, typically back to your ecommerce web site


                                      1. payment.paypal.cancelReturn - set to the URL where you want PayPal to send customers when they cancel their payment


                                      1. payment.paypal.image - set to the URL of the image or logo you want PayPal to display to help customers know that the payment is being received on your behalf

                                      The other properties beginning with "payment.paypal." can be set, but unless you know what you are doing we recommending leaving them as-is.

                                      In addition to the settings in the file, there is also a setting that you must change on the PayPal web site in your account so that notifications will be sent back to OFBiz to verify payment: 1.

                                      1. Login to your account at


                                      1. Click on the "Profile" link in the header, near the top-right of the page


                                      1. In the "Selling Preferences" column click on the "Instance Payment Notification Preferences"


                                      1. It will show you the current settings. To chance click on the "Edit" button.


                                      1. Check the check box near the top of this page, just under the "Instant Payment Notification (IPN)" heading.


                                      1. Enter the notification URL in the text box. This should be the same as the value of the payment.paypal.notify property in the file.


                                      1. Click on the "Save" button.
                                      CyberSource Payment Setup


                                      1. The CyberSource details for OFBiz are setup in the file and have the prefix "payment.cybersource."


                                      1. More details to come.
                                      Giftcards Setup

                                      GiftCard creation: 1.

                                      1. The giftcard is enabled in the productstore in the catalog as a payment method with several parameters.


                                      1. The productStore has a field called "Show Checkout Gift Options" this should be set to "Y"


                                      1. In the entity 'ProductStoreFinActSetting' it can be set if the card requires a pinCode. By default in the demodata this is set to "N"


                                      1. The giftCard can be bought or reloaded as product in the product catalog.


                                      1. If a giftcard is purchased a financial account is created for the new giftcard in addition to an invoice and payment and ledger transactions. For this to work you have to activate the 'eca' createFinAccountTrans in accounting/servicedef/secas.xml

                                      Using the Giftcard as payment: 1.

                                      1. The giftcard code which is listed in the financialAccount


                                      1. If the card is used with enough balance the Order gets rejected.

                                      e-mail Settings


                                      For those you do want to keep you will want to change the following fields for each email message, one at a time: ß

                                      1. 2nd field, From Address, to your preferred customer contact email address


                                      1. 4th field, Bcc Address, to any email address you would like to be copied on each email message


                                      1. The other fields, like the 5th field, the Subject field, can be customized if desired.

                                      If you want to modify any of the templates, we recommend that you copy the templates to your own location, change them there, then change the template locations on this page to point to your files.


                                      Rather than reusing existing Catalogs we will create a new one to associate with the Store we have been configuring, and it will be the only one associated with the Store (unless you want to create multiple Catalogs, of course).

                                      To create a new Catalog: 1.

                                      1. Go to the "Main" in the Catalog Manager and click on the link labeled "Create New Catalog" near the top of the central area of the page.


                                      1. Enter an ID for the Catalog in the Prod Catalog Id field (this cannot be changed later).


                                      1. Enter a name for the Catalog in the Catalog name field.
                                      2. Unless you know you want to use the special Quick Add categories in this Catalog, I recommend setting the Use Quick Add field to N.


                                      1. The other fields are optional but can be used to customize the look and feel of this Catalog to distinguish it from others (if applicable).


                                      1. Submit the form with the update button.

                                      Once the new Catalog is created, go to the Stores tab and make sure this Catalog is associated with the Store we just configured.

                                      While here, take a look at the Categories tab. We will soon be creating some Categories to use with this Catalog. There are many types here, but the main ones we will be concerned with are:ß

                                      1. Browse Root (One): this category will be the parent category of all of the top level browse categories for the catalog. It will not be visible to the customer, but it's children will be the main or top-level browse categories.


                                      1. Promotions (One): the products in this category are listed on the default eCommerce Main page. Of course, that page can be customized to show other things, but if you are using the default OFBiz ecommerce templates main page, you should create a Promotions category to configure which products will be displayed there.


                                      1. Default Search (One): if a Default Search category is configured  only the products in this category will show up in product search results. This category can also have Feature Categories and Feature Groups with it, and the Features in those groups will be used to populate the parametric search drop-downs on the Advanced Search page. Of course, when searching within a specific Category only the features associated with that category will be used for the parametric search drop-downs in the Advanced Search page.


                                      1. Purchase Allow (One): if a Purchase Allow category is configured only the products in that category will be available for purchase when this catalog is active. In that case if a product not in this category is put in the cart an error will be shown to the customer. In general for easier maintenance it is best to have this set to the same category as the Default Search category.


                                      1. View Allow (One): if a View Allow category is configured only the products in that category will be visible when this catalog is active. Other products will not show up in search results, category browsing, and if someone tries to view the product by ID it will report that no product is found for this ID. There is a performance impact associated with the use of this category, so alternatives might be desirable in certain circumstances. In general for easier maintenance it is best to have this set to the same category as the Default Search category.

                                      Category Setup

                                      As described in the Catalog Setup section there are various basic Categories that we need to create for our new Catalog. We will create four categories:1.

                                      1. A Browse Root Category


                                      1. A top-level browse Category to be a child of the browse root category


                                      1. A Promotions Category


                                      1. An "All Products" Category that will be setup as the Default Search, Purchase Allow and View Allow categories for our catalog.

                                      To Create a Category: 1.

                                      1. Go to the "Main" in the Catalog Manager and click on the link labeled "Create New Category" near the top of the central area of the page.


                                      1. Enter an ID for the Category in the Product Category ID field (this cannot be changed later).


                                      1. All of these categories can use the "Catalog" setting for the Product Category Type field.


                                      1. The other fields can be set, but are not necessary. Note that Category hierarchies do not use the Primary Parent Category field, instead they are done with the Rollup tab once the Category is created.


                                      1. Submit the form by clicking on the update button.

                                      Once the Category is created go to the Content tab and look near the bottom of the page in the Override Simple Fields section to set a Description, and if desired also a Long Description.


                                      To create a Product follow a process similar to those described for other things, like Categories. 1.

                                      1. Go to the main page of the Catalog Manager and click on the "Create New Product" link.


                                      1. If you fill in an ID it will make sure that ID is valid, and if so it will use that one. If you specify no ID it will generate one.


                                      1. Set an Internal Name that makes it easy for you to recognize the product. This name will be shown in the admin tools, but not to the customer.


                                      1. Note that if you are using the UPS or USPS or other online rate estimation utilities then you must have values in the "Weight" and "Weight Uom Id" fields.


                                      1. Submit the form to create the product.


                                      Add Content to the New Product <ac:structured-macro ac:name="anchor" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="5bba1dbd-56f4-41ba-b913-22778728c713"><ac:parameter ac:name="">addContentToTheNewProduct</ac:parameter></ac:structured-macro> 1. Click on the "Content" tab/button for the product you just created. Here you can setup text and images for your product. 2. You will see some forms at the top for administering managed content (ie from the Content Manager) with the product. For more advanced product related content needs use this, but for more common and simple needs, this can be more difficult to administer and slower at run time. 3. Product


                                      1. Click on the "Content" tab/button for the product you just created. Here you can setup text and images for your product.
                                      2. You will see some forms at the top for administering managed content (ie from the Content Manager) with the product. For more advanced product related content needs use this, but for more common and simple needs, this can be more difficult to administer and slower at run time.
                                      3. Wiki Markup
                                        Near the bottom of the page is a section labeled "Override Simple Fields". Here you will typically want to specify a Product Name, Product Description, and Long Description. If you have images to associate with the product, you can specify their locations here, or upload them. Note that there are default locations for the images (can be quickly set by clicking on the "\[.jpg\]" or "\[.gif\]" buttons). We recommend using these locations, but of course you can put your images anywhere. These can be an absolute URL, or will be relative to the current server address, or the content URL prefix if one is specified in the file.

                                      Add Prices to the Product


                                      1. Product pricing in OFBiz is very flexible. There are two main aspects to it: Prices and Price Rules. This is independent of promotions, which are applied after the price calculation is done.


                                      1. For basic operation you should have at least one type of price setup for each product: the Default Price. This is the price that is used when no rules apply.


                                      1. To add a Default Price go to the Prices tab for the Product, and use the form at the bottom of the page.


                                            1. The Product Price Type Id should be "Default Price", the Currency Uom Id should be whatever currency the price is in, and the Product Store Group Id can be left as Not Applicable, unless you are setting up multiple groups of stores that have different pricing.


                                            1. The From Date can be now or in the future, if you want the price to take effect in the future. The Thru Date is optional, but can be used to specify that this particular price expires at a certain date and time. Note that if there are multiple prices of the same type, etc that are active at once, it will use the one with the most recent From Date. This is useful when you want a temporary price to override the normal "Default" price of the product.


                                          1. If you are using price rules or may do so in the future you may also want to enter information such as the List Price and the Average Cost which are often used in the price calculations.


                                          1. Note that if a Minimum Price is set the price will never be less than that. So, even if the Default Price is to 2.00 and the Minimum Price is set to 3.00, then 3.00 will be used as the calculated price. The Maximum Price setting works the same way as the ceiling for the price.

                                          Make sure to put each product in a browse category, and in the All Products category so that it can be searched for, viewed, and purchased in your catalog.
