Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Fixed spelling of several words. Added missing "is" to a sentence


First, we want the documentation to be both complete and concise. This is job one! The documentation should also be a quick but practical introduction to the framework, so newcomers can get started as easily as possible. To keep people coming back, the documenation documentation should also be a repository of the tips and tricks we use in our own applications, so that people can find it here instead of asking over and over again on the list.


Use the Parent Page feature to create a hierarchy of pages. The parent pages are reflected in the "bread crumb" menu. If propertly properly used, parent pages can help browsers "visualize" the documenation documentation as an outline.

The root of the documentation is the "Home" page, which is also the "Welcome" page. The documnentation documentation is ordered into three main areas: Tutorials, FAQs, and Guides. Each area has a contents page, whose parent is Home. Other pages within each section can also serve as parents, to help organize the documentation into a coherent outline.


titleHere we go again!

This segment is an example of overusing headings. This whole "Headings" section has so few paragraphs that it really should have been written in just one section. The "advantages" and "disadvantages" would be just as easy to render as a table.

Headings capitalization

Try to use intial initial capitals for h1 and h2 headers.

For h3 and smaller headings, try to capitalize only the first word, and any proper nouns.

By using different capilazation sytlescapitalization styles, we emphasize the importance of bigger headings.


titleToo many headings?

If you find yourself writting writing too many h2 headings in a single page, consider breaking the page into child pages.


Avoid using external images for bullets or icons. Prefer the equivalents provided with Confluence.

Images can be inclued included by URL or annexing the binary to the page. Prefer annexing when possible, since URLs are subject to change.

Always observe copyright issues. Do not annex images unless it an orginal original or public domain work, or the author has donated the image to the foundation.


To the extent possible, we want to "normalize" our technical documentation. Like a database, all technical documentation is subject to change. When change happens, we want the documentation to be as easy to update as possible. One way to do that is to try and minimize redudency redundancy (without sacrificing ease of use).
