Now, if you compile the action and restart the application, based on the current time, you'll either see the result from WEB-INF/content/hello-world.jsp or WEB-INF/content/hello-world-zero.jsp.
XWork packages
The XWork package that actions Actions are placed into is on a custom XWork package that allows actions to be placed into packages so that no conflicts will occurwhich prevents conflicts. The name of the XWork package that actions are placed into this package is based on the Java package the action is defined in, the namespace part of the URL for the action and the parent XWork package for the action. The parent XWork package is determined based on the property named struts.convention.default.parent.package and this is set (defaults to conventionDefault), which is a custom XWork package defined by the Convention plugin and that package extends the package named strutsDefault.
Therefore the naming for XWork packages used by the Convention plugin are in the form: