Porównane wersje


  • Te wersy zostały dodane. Tosłowo zostało dodane.
  • Te wersy zostały usunięte. To słowo zostało usunięte.
  • Formatowanie zostało zmienione.


Additionally, in order to sign and/or encrypt, this provider can be injected with an instance of OAuthJoseJwtProducer or AccessTokenService endpoint where this provider is registered can be configured as follows:


Code Block
<jaxrs:server id="oauthServer1" address="https://localhost:${testutil.ports.jaxrs-oauth2-serviceJwt}/services">
        <ref bean="tokenService"/>
    <!-- Sign -->
        <entry key="rs.security.signature.properties" value="org/apache/cxf/systest/jaxrs/security/alice.rs.properties"/>
        <entry key="rs.security.signature.key.password.provider" value-ref="keyPasswordProvider"/>

Note that in this case Ehcache, JCache and JPA2 providers will still persist the complete ServerAccessToken representations - once JOSE sequence is created it becomes a new tokenId of the current ServerAccessToken, with the original tokenId becoming a JWT 'jti' claim.


One can configure the providers (Ehcache and JCache only at the moment) to persist access tokens only as these newly created JOSE sequences: 

Code Block
<bean id="oauthProvider" class="org.apache.cxf.systest.jaxrs.security.oauth2.common.OAuthDataProviderImpl">
       <property name="useJwtFormatForAccessTokens" value="true"/>
       <property name="storeJwtTokenKeyOnly" value="true"/>


Resource server (RS) will need to make a decision how to validate this JWT token. It can continue validating it remotely with AccessTokenValidationService or TokenIntrsopectionService (see below for more info about these services) or if RS has an access to the keys used to sign/encrypt JWT then it can use a local JWT validation, example: 

Code Block
<bean id="jwtTokenValidator" class="org.apache.cxf.rs.security.oauth2.filters.JwtAccessTokenValidator"/>
<bean id="oAuthFilterLocalValidation" class="org.apache.cxf.rs.security.oauth2.filters.OAuthRequestFilter">
    <property name="tokenValidator" ref="jwtTokenValidator"/>
        <ref bean="serviceBean"/>
        <ref bean="oAuthFilterLocalValidation"/>
         <entry key="rs.security.signature.in.properties" value="org/apache/cxf/systest/jaxrs/security/alice.rs.properties"/>
