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The underlying object for a Source node in TopologyDescription is set of topics or a pattern to match source topics on. Similarly, the underlying object of object a Sink node is either the final topic if it is statically determined or the TopicNameExtractor used to the determine the topic. 


Code Block
public final static class Source extends AbstractNode implements TopologyDescription.Source {
	// Other methods and variables are not shown here

	public String topics() {

	public Set<String> topicstopicNames() {
    	return topics;

	public Pattern topicPattern() {
    	return topicPattern;

public final static class Sink extends AbstractNode implements TopologyDescription.Sink {
	// Other methods and variables are not shown here

	// Output the topic name if dynamic routing is not used. Otherwise, output the toString value of the TopicNameExtractor.
	public TopicNameExtractor topicNameExtractor() {
    	if (topicNameExtractor instanceof StaticTopicNameExtractor) {
        	return null;
 		} else {
        	return topicNameExtractor;
