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Code Block
final Tracer tracer = new Configuration("jaxrs-client")
        new SamplerConfiguration()
        new ReporterConfiguration()
                new SenderConfiguration()

// This method should only be called once during the application initialization phase.

// No explicit Tracer instance is required, it will be picked off the GlobalTracer using get() method
final OpenTracingClientProvider provider = new OpenTracingClientProvider();

Configuring Server

Server configuration is a bit simpler than the client one thanks to the feature class available, OpenTracingFeature. Depending on the way the Apache CXF is used to configure JAX-RS services, it could be part of JAX-RS application configuration, for example:

Code Block
@ApplicationPath( "/" )
public class CatalogApplication extends Application {
    public Set<Object> getSingletons() {
        final Tracer tracer = new Configuration("tracer-server") 
                new SamplerConfiguration()
                new ReporterConfiguration()
                        new SenderConfiguration()
        return new HashSet<>(
                    new OpenTracingFeature(tracer)

Or it could be configured using JAXRSServerFactoryBean as well, for example:

Code Block
final Tracer tracer = new Configuration("tracer-server") 
        new SamplerConfiguration()
        new ReporterConfiguration()
                new SenderConfiguration()

final JAXRSServerFactoryBean factory = RuntimeDelegate.getInstance().createEndpoint(/* application instance */, JAXRSServerFactoryBean.class);
factory.setProvider(new OpenTracingFeature(tracer));
return factory.create();

Alternatively, you may rely on GlobalTracer to pass the tracer around, so in this case the OpenTracingFeature will pick it up from there, for example:

Code Block
@ApplicationPath( "/" )
public class CatalogApplication extends Application {
    public Set<Object> getSingletons() {
        return new HashSet<>(
                    // No explicit Tracer instance is required, it will be picked off the GlobalTracer using get() method
                    new OpenTracingFeature()

Once the span reporter and sampler are properly configured, all generated spans are going to be collected and available for analysis and/or visualization.