Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. In the Apache dist directory, move the release candidate files to the release directory. The previous release should also be deleted (it is automatically archived at

    Code Block
    svn mv dev/incubator/daffodil/2.0.0-rc1/ release/incubator/daffodil/2.0.0/
    svn rm release/incubator/daffodil/1.0.0/
    svn ci -m "Release Apache Daffodil (incubating) 2.0.0"

  2. In the Daffodil git repository, create a signed git tag based on the release candidate tag

    Code Block
    git tag -as -u KEYID -m "Release v2.0.0" rel/v2.0.0 v2.0.0-rc1
    git push asf rel/v2.0.0

  3. Release the published Nexus files by visiting, log in, find the release in "Staging Repositories" and selecting "Release".

  4. Modify the website release page to have the following parameters:

    Code Block
    released: true
    date: date of release
    artifact-root: ""
    checksum-root: ""

    And update the release page of the previous release to use archived root URLS, for example:

    Code Block
    artifact-root: ""
    checksum-root: ""

  5. Give approximately 24 hours for the release files to sync to mirrors and maven central.

  6. Send an announcement email to,, and, (note: send three separate emails instead of one email with multiple TO/CC's), with the following template:

    Code Block
    Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Daffodil (incubating) 2.0.0
    The Apache Daffodil (incubating) community is pleased to announce the
    release of version 2.0.0.
    Release notes and downloads are available at:
    Daffodil is an open source implementation of the DFDL (Data Format
    Description Language) specification that uses DFDL schemas to parse
    fixed format data into an infoset, which is most commonly represented as
    either XML or JSON. This allows the use of well-established XML or JSON
    technologies and libraries to consume, inspect, and manipulate fixed
    format data in existing solutions. Daffodil is also capable of the
    reverse by serializing or "unparsing" an XML or JSON infoset back to the
    original data format.
    For more information about Daffodil visit:
    The Apache Daffodil Team
