Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Ensure JIRA Issues are Appropriately Tagged for the Release 


  1. Branch your release:

    git checkout -b <your release name> <commit sha1> 

    push to origin:
    git push origin <your release name>

  2. Apply signed tag on release branch and push to origin


     git tag -u <GPG KEY ID> --sign <your release name>-rc# -m "Apache HAWQ <your release name> RC#" <SHA of HEAD of branch>

     git push origin <your release name>-rc#

  3. Make a tarball and gzip:
    git archive -o ../apache-hawq-src-<your release name>.tar --prefix=apache-hawq-src-<your release name>/ <your tag/branch name>
    gzip ../apache-hawq-src-<your release name>.tar


    $ git archive -o ../apache-hawq-src- --prefix=apache-hawq-src-
    $ gzip ../apache-hawq-src-

  4.  Prepare MD5, SHA256 and ASC files from the source tarball:

    md5 apache-hawq-src-<your release name>.tar.gz > apache-hawq-src-<your release name>.tar.gz.md5
    shasum -a 256 apache-hawq-src-<your release name>.tar.gz > apache-hawq-src-<your release name>.tar.gz.sha256 
    gpg2 --detach-sign -a apache-hawq-src-<your release name>.tar.gz


    $ md5 apache-hawq-src- > apache-hawq-src-
    $ shasum -a 256 apache-hawq-src- > apache-hawq-src-
    $ gpg2 --detach-sign -a apache-hawq-src-
    You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
    user: "Edward Bartolo Espino (CODE SIGNING KEY) <>"
    4096-bit RSA key, ID 57325522, created 2017-01-09

    $ ls -al apache-hawq-src-*
    -rw-r--r-- 1 espino staff 35214063 Jan 10 11:04 apache-hawq-src-
    -rw-r--r-- 1 espino staff 819 Jan 10 11:09 apache-hawq-src-
    -rw-r--r-- 1 espino staff 83 Jan 10 11:10 apache-hawq-src-
    -rw-r--r-- 1 espino staff 84 Jan 10 11:10 apache-hawq-src-
  5. Retrieve the subversion dev incubator hawq repo
    Example: svn checkout --username=<your apache user>
  6. Create a local folder for the release (e.g. in svn. We use apache's distribution repo:
  7. Move the files into the release folder on local disk.
  8. svn add <release folder>
  9. Commit artifacts:
    Example: svn commit -m 'adding RC1 candidate release artifacts' --username=<your apache user id>



The PPMC vote for the Apache HAWQ <release version> release has
passed. We kindly request that the IPMC now vote on the release.

The PPMC vote thread is located here: <link to the dev voting thread>

The artifacts can be downloaded here:<release number>

The artifacts have been signed with Key : <ID of signing key>

All JIRAs completed for this release are tagged with 'FixVersion
= <release version>'. You can view them here: <insert link to the
JIRA release notes>

Please vote accordingly:

[ ] +1, accept as the official Apache HAWQ <release number> release
[ ] -1, do not accept as the official Apache HAWQ <release number> release because...

The vote will run for at least 72 hours.

If any -1 (binding) votes are entered, then address them such that the voter changes their vote to a +1 (binding) or cancel the vote, fix the issues, and start over with Prepare Tarballs (including re-voting within the Apache HAWQ community on

Once 72 hours has passed (which is generally preferred) and/or at least three +1 (binding) votes have been cast with no -1 (binding) votes, send an email closing the vote and pronouncing the release candidate a success. Please use the subject: [RESULT][VOTE]: Apache HAWQ <release version> Release


The Apache HAWQ <release version> vote is now closed and has
passed as follows:
[number] +1 (binding) votes
[number] -1 (binding) votes

The Apache HAWQ (incubating) community will proceed with the release.




Publishing and Distributing Release
